1.My long-range goal is become best telecommunication engineer of Mongolia. So I must hardworking. Thus my second objective is perfect life. For example great family, nice work and wonderful home.
2 My short-range goal is do my task on time. Because I should raise my score. It is very important issue. May be my life will depend on it. So I must endeavor for now.
3 I hope I can make a contribution to your organization. Because I studied of telecommunication career for 4 years. And in this way I have many skills. So I believe necessary.
4 I like participation in activities which outside from class. This has been become more and more abilities for me. And I skilled in teamwork and able to rise easily.
5 I like fair everything. So I want to determine for justices. Head person must say openly to all success. I usually define my success for estimation of other people.
6 I think every people must put high goals. Because people live as yourself opinion. So my organization is become best telecommunication engineer of Mongolia. And I try to reach it.
7 My work is a very interesting and when I was student I don’t know it. After I study this school I understand it
8 Firstly I don’t know about this career. My sister decide to enter this school me. So I become must study by this direction. After it become interesting.
9 In my work important issue is become a very hardworking. I can it.
10 My career is telecommunication engineer. Almost we fix the broken cable. But women’s often do operator. In my opinion I want be header engineer. So I need I can any thing.
11 it is most important issue. I demand to interactive with all user. Because I should know for request of subscribers.
12 Yes. I always try to view everything on practice. So I went to ATS many times. The engineer’s are very friendly and kind people. Whenever they ready for help us. I saw optic fiber, mufti, and equipment at here.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
1. Definite what kind of text I’m going to read. It’s possible to know about that from contents or beginning of the text.
2. Think how much I will know about this article/text and what I will get information from it.
3. Read directly from the beginning to the end. But, it is involved what about I will read and how long it is to read.
4. If I find the new words while reading, I try to definite them that are nouns, verbs, adjectives or adverbs.
5. Then I try to understand a basic meaning using around words.
6. If I can’t understand it, I use dictionary “English to English”. Sometimes it’s difficult when this word means about abstract, not real. For example:
Table (real)-a piece of furniture with a flat top supported by legs;
Define (abstract)- to describe something correctly and thoroughly, and to say what standards, limits, qualities etc…
7. If I don’t find word from below dictionary, I will look for word from a dictionary “English to Mongolia”. About what dictionaries I use… I always use the dictionaries “Advanced American Dictionary” of Longman, “English-Mongolian” of Boldbaatar and sometimes I use from electronic dictionaries. It can save my time and easy to use.
8. I ask from myself about it while reading and when finished to read. It helps me to pick up what I read.
9. During reading I try to understand the text. Especially, it helps to pass an exam successfully and it is an easy way to repeat it.
10. Each chapter, I try to make inferences. Due to make inferences, I find out the new things.
11. While reading, I try to make connections between every chapter. It is very important to get the ordinary knowledge.
12. During reading, I try to good notes to use the methods of making scheme and diagram. At last, it is very easy to understand.
13. From a paragraph and a chapter, I try to find the main idea. Other ideas are connected with the main idea.
14. I visualize what I am reading. It helps me to bring my mind back easily, moreover when read literature.
15. Finally, I recall what I already know about topic.
2. Think how much I will know about this article/text and what I will get information from it.
3. Read directly from the beginning to the end. But, it is involved what about I will read and how long it is to read.
4. If I find the new words while reading, I try to definite them that are nouns, verbs, adjectives or adverbs.
5. Then I try to understand a basic meaning using around words.
6. If I can’t understand it, I use dictionary “English to English”. Sometimes it’s difficult when this word means about abstract, not real. For example:
Table (real)-a piece of furniture with a flat top supported by legs;
Define (abstract)- to describe something correctly and thoroughly, and to say what standards, limits, qualities etc…
7. If I don’t find word from below dictionary, I will look for word from a dictionary “English to Mongolia”. About what dictionaries I use… I always use the dictionaries “Advanced American Dictionary” of Longman, “English-Mongolian” of Boldbaatar and sometimes I use from electronic dictionaries. It can save my time and easy to use.
8. I ask from myself about it while reading and when finished to read. It helps me to pick up what I read.
9. During reading I try to understand the text. Especially, it helps to pass an exam successfully and it is an easy way to repeat it.
10. Each chapter, I try to make inferences. Due to make inferences, I find out the new things.
11. While reading, I try to make connections between every chapter. It is very important to get the ordinary knowledge.
12. During reading, I try to good notes to use the methods of making scheme and diagram. At last, it is very easy to understand.
13. From a paragraph and a chapter, I try to find the main idea. Other ideas are connected with the main idea.
14. I visualize what I am reading. It helps me to bring my mind back easily, moreover when read literature.
15. Finally, I recall what I already know about topic.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
ТҮШИГ ХХК-д ажилтан шалгаруулж авч байна.
-Ерөнхий менежер -head manager
-Маркетингийн менежер -manager of marketing
-Борлуулалтын менежер -market manager
-Ерөнхий нягтлан бодогч -accountant
-Гадаад харилцааны ажилтан -workman
-Гоо сайхны зөвлөх, худалдагч beauty and cosmetic salesman
-Зуслангийн сахиул –guardian in camp
Бүрдүүлэх материал: All interested candidates should submit the following document:
Анкет бөглөхөä: Filled out Vacancy Application Form
1. 3х4 хэмжээтэй цээж зураг 1% One 3*4 photo
2. Иргэний үнэмлэхíèé хуулбар Copy of ID
Ярилцлаганд: Interview:
1. Дипломын хуулбар Copy of University Diplomas
2. Цагдаагийн тодорхойлолт constabulary definition
3. Хорооны тодорхойлолт regimental definition
Холбоо барих: Contact :
Утас: 11-315392 Tel: 11-315392
ТҮШИГ ХХК-д ажилтан шалгаруулж авч байна.
-Ерөнхий менежер -head manager
-Маркетингийн менежер -manager of marketing
-Борлуулалтын менежер -market manager
-Ерөнхий нягтлан бодогч -accountant
-Гадаад харилцааны ажилтан -workman
-Гоо сайхны зөвлөх, худалдагч beauty and cosmetic salesman
-Зуслангийн сахиул –guardian in camp
Бүрдүүлэх материал: All interested candidates should submit the following document:
Анкет бөглөхөä: Filled out Vacancy Application Form
1. 3х4 хэмжээтэй цээж зураг 1% One 3*4 photo
2. Иргэний үнэмлэхíèé хуулбар Copy of ID
Ярилцлаганд: Interview:
1. Дипломын хуулбар Copy of University Diplomas
2. Цагдаагийн тодорхойлолт constabulary definition
3. Хорооны тодорхойлолт regimental definition
Холбоо барих: Contact :
Утас: 11-315392 Tel: 11-315392
Invited in job- Àжилд урьж байна
Дэлхийд таашаагдсан Тайгер шар айрагны шинэ үйлдвэрт бүх төрлийн инженер техникийн ажилтнуудыг сонгон шалгаруулж авна.
- АВТОМАТИКИЙН ИНЖЕНЕР, ТЕХНИКЧ- engineer of automatic technician
- МЕХАНИК ИНЖЕНЕР, ТЕХНИКЧ -mechanical engineer, technician
- ЦАХИЛГААНЧИН -electrician
- ЗАСВАРЫН ИНЖЕНЕР-engineer of remedial rectification
- ҮЙЛДВЭРИЙН ОПЕРАТОР – operation of industrial
- We will promise you the highest salary and you future willvery hopefull take a chance.
- Хэрэв та дээрх ажлын байрыг сонирхож байвал:
If you are interested in these Job Description :
- мэргэжлийн үнэмлэх Copy of University Diplomas and other certificates
- Дипломын хуулбар copies of university diploma
- нэг хувь зургийн хамт хүрэлцэн ирж уулзана уу. a copy 3*4 photo
Хаяг: М-Си-Эс Кока-Кола Плаза, Интерпресс үйлдвэрийн 2 давхар
Чингисийн өргөн чөлөө, Хан-Уул дүүрэг
Утас: 342623, 91923000
Факс: 342629
Address: Mcs Coca-Cola Plaza, Interpress Factory 2nd floor
Chinggis Avenue, Khan-Uul District
tel: 342623 91920000
fax: 342629
Дэлхийд таашаагдсан Тайгер шар айрагны шинэ үйлдвэрт бүх төрлийн инженер техникийн ажилтнуудыг сонгон шалгаруулж авна.
- АВТОМАТИКИЙН ИНЖЕНЕР, ТЕХНИКЧ- engineer of automatic technician
- МЕХАНИК ИНЖЕНЕР, ТЕХНИКЧ -mechanical engineer, technician
- ЦАХИЛГААНЧИН -electrician
- ЗАСВАРЫН ИНЖЕНЕР-engineer of remedial rectification
- ҮЙЛДВЭРИЙН ОПЕРАТОР – operation of industrial
- We will promise you the highest salary and you future willvery hopefull take a chance.
- Хэрэв та дээрх ажлын байрыг сонирхож байвал:
If you are interested in these Job Description :
- мэргэжлийн үнэмлэх Copy of University Diplomas and other certificates
- Дипломын хуулбар copies of university diploma
- нэг хувь зургийн хамт хүрэлцэн ирж уулзана уу. a copy 3*4 photo
Хаяг: М-Си-Эс Кока-Кола Плаза, Интерпресс үйлдвэрийн 2 давхар
Чингисийн өргөн чөлөө, Хан-Уул дүүрэг
Утас: 342623, 91923000
Факс: 342629
Address: Mcs Coca-Cola Plaza, Interpress Factory 2nd floor
Chinggis Avenue, Khan-Uul District
tel: 342623 91920000
fax: 342629
Saturday, December 11, 2010
POSITION APPLIED FOR: Unitel corporation
SURNAME : dorjmyagmar
Gender : female
1.General information
Date of birth- 1990/1130
Place of birth- Khovd aimag
Registration No- ПЯ90113026
Social insurance- 11111111
ID card No- УБ455676
Medical insurance- B17563
2. Previous Employment (start with the most recent)
Period of Employment- 2009.05-2010.02
Reason for leaving- Do practise
Position Held- Operator
Name of Organization and contact number- “Unitel corporation” 50053919
3. Education and Training Courses
Date of Completion- 2012-5-30
Specialization- telecommunication
Institution- School of Information and telecommunication
Diploma and Certificate No- 555555
4. Contact details
Home address-16th khoroo, Bayanzurh district, Ulaanbaatar Mongolia
Home tel. No-976-11-333333
Mobile phones No-96725300
Post office address-5555
E-mail address-Uyanga_88669186@yahoo.com
5. Languages
Language Skill
Key = 1-Unacceptable 2-Below average 3-Average 4-Above average 5-Excellent
6. Other
Computer Skills
C++, Microsoft Office, MATLAB, Movie Maker, Adobe
Listen to music,play basketball
Sports Basketball, volleyball,tennis
7. Emergency :
Contact details of two persons in case of emergency:
1. Name : P.Altanginj
Address :Bayanzurh distrist
Tel :99280938
Relationship : Sister
2. Name / :P.Bayarsaikhan
Address :Bayanzurh distrist
Tel : 99094826
Relationship : sister
By signing this form I declare that all the information I have provided herein is true and correct in ever aspect, knowing that if any matter is found to be not true that it will jeopardize my chances of obtaining employment with
Applicant’s Signature…………………………………………../ Uyanga.D/
Date 2010/12/09
SURNAME : dorjmyagmar
Gender : female
1.General information
Date of birth- 1990/1130
Place of birth- Khovd aimag
Registration No- ПЯ90113026
Social insurance- 11111111
ID card No- УБ455676
Medical insurance- B17563
2. Previous Employment (start with the most recent)
Period of Employment- 2009.05-2010.02
Reason for leaving- Do practise
Position Held- Operator
Name of Organization and contact number- “Unitel corporation” 50053919
3. Education and Training Courses
Date of Completion- 2012-5-30
Specialization- telecommunication
Institution- School of Information and telecommunication
Diploma and Certificate No- 555555
4. Contact details
Home address-16th khoroo, Bayanzurh district, Ulaanbaatar Mongolia
Home tel. No-976-11-333333
Mobile phones No-96725300
Post office address-5555
E-mail address-Uyanga_88669186@yahoo.com
5. Languages
Language Skill
Key = 1-Unacceptable 2-Below average 3-Average 4-Above average 5-Excellent
6. Other
Computer Skills
C++, Microsoft Office, MATLAB, Movie Maker, Adobe
Listen to music,play basketball
Sports Basketball, volleyball,tennis
7. Emergency :
Contact details of two persons in case of emergency:
1. Name : P.Altanginj
Address :Bayanzurh distrist
Tel :99280938
Relationship : Sister
2. Name / :P.Bayarsaikhan
Address :Bayanzurh distrist
Tel : 99094826
Relationship : sister
By signing this form I declare that all the information I have provided herein is true and correct in ever aspect, knowing that if any matter is found to be not true that it will jeopardize my chances of obtaining employment with
Applicant’s Signature…………………………………………../ Uyanga.D/
Date 2010/12/09
Answering interview questions:
1. What are your long-range goals and objectives?
I have many goals.For example, I am going to have a job, my own big house, and big and happy family.
2. What are your short-range goals and objectives?
In several months I am going to graduate my university as telecommunication's engineering. That is my short-range goal.
3. In what ways do you think you can make a contribution to our organization?
I will invent new technology.
4. What have you learned from participation in extra-curricular activities?
I have learned the ability of self-educated and working in team.
5. How do you determine or evaluate success?
Everyone can reach the top, just day must do whatthey can and always try to develop.
Just like this, I will reach the peak.
6. How do you plan to achieve your career goals?
I always try to know about the new technologies, to be patient and bold.
7. What makes a job enjoyable for you?
I am interested in my profession a lot, that makes job enjoyeable for me.
8. Why did you decide to seek a position with this communication organization?
I want to begin my first job whit new technology and in big company.
9. What two or three things would be most important to you in your job?
In my opinion, the most important things are attention, responsiblity and hard working.
10. What do you know about the job?
My job connects all people whitch each other.
11. How important is communication and interaction with others on your job?
In my opinion, the most important thing is communication.
12. Do you prefer to work by yourself or with others?
I prefer to work in team
1. What are your long-range goals and objectives?
I have many goals.For example, I am going to have a job, my own big house, and big and happy family.
2. What are your short-range goals and objectives?
In several months I am going to graduate my university as telecommunication's engineering. That is my short-range goal.
3. In what ways do you think you can make a contribution to our organization?
I will invent new technology.
4. What have you learned from participation in extra-curricular activities?
I have learned the ability of self-educated and working in team.
5. How do you determine or evaluate success?
Everyone can reach the top, just day must do whatthey can and always try to develop.
Just like this, I will reach the peak.
6. How do you plan to achieve your career goals?
I always try to know about the new technologies, to be patient and bold.
7. What makes a job enjoyable for you?
I am interested in my profession a lot, that makes job enjoyeable for me.
8. Why did you decide to seek a position with this communication organization?
I want to begin my first job whit new technology and in big company.
9. What two or three things would be most important to you in your job?
In my opinion, the most important things are attention, responsiblity and hard working.
10. What do you know about the job?
My job connects all people whitch each other.
11. How important is communication and interaction with others on your job?
In my opinion, the most important thing is communication.
12. Do you prefer to work by yourself or with others?
I prefer to work in team
who am I?
My name is Uyanga. i am twenty years old. My ethnic background explains a lot of who I am, and the values that I have developed. My parents are both from mongolia and moved here only a couple of years before I was born. They speak mongolian. I grew up with a large family because my parents, grandparents, and my uncle’s family all lived in the same house. My family is religious and we went to the gandan every week. However, now I am not that religious and don’t go to the gandan because I believe it is becoming corrupted. My family and my parents in particular, provided me with the morals that I hold to be true. I am very grateful of the way my parents brought me up. They always told me do to others as you would like them to do to you. That phrase is what I keep in mind be
I haven"tmt always done the right thing, but I have learned from it when I think back. The foundation has been set for me so I just have to build upon it. My mother and I have a lot of traits that are similar. I feel as if I could talk to my mother about anything, while it is different with my father. How you eat and how well you talk care of your body effects your physical traits no matter what your genetics say. That early childhood bond is probably what influenced much of my thinking. When I was young I was not exceptionally intelligent. As the first few years went by in school, I started to learn English and started improving in school. I am very big on learning from my mistakes. Also an individual"tms physical traits are more venerable by the environment. I am still experiencing new things and changing. We both think a like and have many common interests. That is why I believe that childhood experiences are responsible for a lot of the traits we have when we grow up. During my four years here I will have plenty of experiences that will change the way I think or act, and I am hopeful that they will all be for the best.
Everybody has different hobbies that they like to do for fun or just to relax. There are many kind of activities like basketball, listen to music, or volleyball. It all depends on each personality. For me, basketball is my favorite hobby .
Since I was a little girl, I started to play basketball in the school team and also with my friends in the neighborhood. My mother told me that I liked kicking the ball around and had so much fun with it when I was only about two years old. Since then, playing basketball is my favorite sport and it is my hobby whenever I have free time.
Playing basketball also helps me to relax and be confident when I have stress and frustration. For example, after doing my homework or when I come home from school, I play a little bit with my friends outside of my house or we go to the park, if the weather is nice.
Team members practiced everyday after school for 3 hours from seven till nine o’clock and we slowly got better. During the first round of the competition, we tried our best and worked together, but we were still behind, so we discussed how we should cope with the opponent. Finally, through our tactic, we got the first place. We were pleased of how we worked it out well to win a cup and medal.
Whenever I play basketball, I feel healthy and stronger. Besides, I meet new friends from the neighbor. I not only like playing basketball, but I also enjoy watching basketball on television. When I go to the river, my family and friends would get together to play and we have a lot of fun. Also, during weekends, I would call up my friends to play basketball with me. After the intense games, we would go to the teashop nearby to relax and grab some cold drinks to cool us down from the games we had.
For me, basketball is a part of my life and it means a lot to me. Since it is summer now, I get to play...
My room is open quite messy because i tend to immediately throw things on my bed or floor when i arrive home from work, school or a day out with friends. I rarely hang up my clothes when i take them off and you will find socks and other stuff lying around the floor. My bedroom wall has photographs of my sister they and ginjee when they are young and a school photo of angela when she was in year 12. I have a small uni calendar that i rarely use and a large simpsons poster above all of this. One lonely and messy study table is situated near the window. Under my study table, there are wires everywhere which causes injuries sometimes. I have one mirror table and two small mirrors on one of my three clothes cupboard doors.
Just graduated high school and I am in first year university now. I study in school of information and communication technology. I do enjoy university life but prefer high school due to the work load. Uni lifestyle is fun though, the people are all very mature and independent. I study in third course of telecommunication engineer. The telecommunication engineer is very interested profession. I love my profession.
My name is Uyanga. i am twenty years old. My ethnic background explains a lot of who I am, and the values that I have developed. My parents are both from mongolia and moved here only a couple of years before I was born. They speak mongolian. I grew up with a large family because my parents, grandparents, and my uncle’s family all lived in the same house. My family is religious and we went to the gandan every week. However, now I am not that religious and don’t go to the gandan because I believe it is becoming corrupted. My family and my parents in particular, provided me with the morals that I hold to be true. I am very grateful of the way my parents brought me up. They always told me do to others as you would like them to do to you. That phrase is what I keep in mind be
I haven"tmt always done the right thing, but I have learned from it when I think back. The foundation has been set for me so I just have to build upon it. My mother and I have a lot of traits that are similar. I feel as if I could talk to my mother about anything, while it is different with my father. How you eat and how well you talk care of your body effects your physical traits no matter what your genetics say. That early childhood bond is probably what influenced much of my thinking. When I was young I was not exceptionally intelligent. As the first few years went by in school, I started to learn English and started improving in school. I am very big on learning from my mistakes. Also an individual"tms physical traits are more venerable by the environment. I am still experiencing new things and changing. We both think a like and have many common interests. That is why I believe that childhood experiences are responsible for a lot of the traits we have when we grow up. During my four years here I will have plenty of experiences that will change the way I think or act, and I am hopeful that they will all be for the best.
Everybody has different hobbies that they like to do for fun or just to relax. There are many kind of activities like basketball, listen to music, or volleyball. It all depends on each personality. For me, basketball is my favorite hobby .
Since I was a little girl, I started to play basketball in the school team and also with my friends in the neighborhood. My mother told me that I liked kicking the ball around and had so much fun with it when I was only about two years old. Since then, playing basketball is my favorite sport and it is my hobby whenever I have free time.
Playing basketball also helps me to relax and be confident when I have stress and frustration. For example, after doing my homework or when I come home from school, I play a little bit with my friends outside of my house or we go to the park, if the weather is nice.
Team members practiced everyday after school for 3 hours from seven till nine o’clock and we slowly got better. During the first round of the competition, we tried our best and worked together, but we were still behind, so we discussed how we should cope with the opponent. Finally, through our tactic, we got the first place. We were pleased of how we worked it out well to win a cup and medal.
Whenever I play basketball, I feel healthy and stronger. Besides, I meet new friends from the neighbor. I not only like playing basketball, but I also enjoy watching basketball on television. When I go to the river, my family and friends would get together to play and we have a lot of fun. Also, during weekends, I would call up my friends to play basketball with me. After the intense games, we would go to the teashop nearby to relax and grab some cold drinks to cool us down from the games we had.
For me, basketball is a part of my life and it means a lot to me. Since it is summer now, I get to play...
My room is open quite messy because i tend to immediately throw things on my bed or floor when i arrive home from work, school or a day out with friends. I rarely hang up my clothes when i take them off and you will find socks and other stuff lying around the floor. My bedroom wall has photographs of my sister they and ginjee when they are young and a school photo of angela when she was in year 12. I have a small uni calendar that i rarely use and a large simpsons poster above all of this. One lonely and messy study table is situated near the window. Under my study table, there are wires everywhere which causes injuries sometimes. I have one mirror table and two small mirrors on one of my three clothes cupboard doors.
Just graduated high school and I am in first year university now. I study in school of information and communication technology. I do enjoy university life but prefer high school due to the work load. Uni lifestyle is fun though, the people are all very mature and independent. I study in third course of telecommunication engineer. The telecommunication engineer is very interested profession. I love my profession.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Cover letter
Name: Uyanga Dorjmyagmar
Ulaanbaatar 210646
Telephone: 976-11333333
Cellphone: 976-96725300
E_mail: uyanga_88669186@yahoo.com uyanga_96725300@gogo.mn
Please accept my review my resume for this position.
I believe my training and studing 4 years of telecommunication engineer. During these years I have known about your company. And I came here numerous when I was student.
I bring to the company a strong communication and supervisory skills in addition to extensive computer knowledge and "real word" experience. I know enough about the employer or position.
When you have giving lot of assignment, I can done it on time. If you are looking for experienced candidate with ability to rise. I’m an excellent choice
I'll be calling your office within 1 month to inquire on the status of my application. I will be looking forward to your call.
I can be reached on my cell at 976-96725300
Name: Uyanga Dorjmyagmar
Ulaanbaatar 210646
Telephone: 976-11333333
Cellphone: 976-96725300
E_mail: uyanga_88669186@yahoo.com uyanga_96725300@gogo.mn
Please accept my review my resume for this position.
I believe my training and studing 4 years of telecommunication engineer. During these years I have known about your company. And I came here numerous when I was student.
I bring to the company a strong communication and supervisory skills in addition to extensive computer knowledge and "real word" experience. I know enough about the employer or position.
When you have giving lot of assignment, I can done it on time. If you are looking for experienced candidate with ability to rise. I’m an excellent choice
I'll be calling your office within 1 month to inquire on the status of my application. I will be looking forward to your call.
I can be reached on my cell at 976-96725300
Reference letter
Uyanga Dorjmyagmar
School of telecommunication and information technology MUST
Apt 24-9 , 16th khoroo, Bayanzurh district, Ulaanbaatar Mongolia
To: Unitel corporation
I have had the pleasure of knowing Uyanga Dorjmyagmar For 4 years.. During the years I have seen a many examples of her talent and have long been impressed by her diligence and work ethic. I understand that Uyanga is an applying to the student exchange program at your company. I would like to recommend her for admission.
As Uyanga’s teacher, when I have giving her lot of assignment, she always done it on time. She skilled In communication software and hardware. She also has experience in switching system as engineer.
If you are looking for experienced candidate with ability to rise. Uyanga is an good choice. She is a creative, capable and personable, helpful young woman. She is responsible, skilled in teamwork and such a quick learner.
I feel confident in saying that is capable of handing any with thoughtfulness and maturity. If you have any further questions, feel free to contact me at 99999999 and I'll be happy to answer any questions you have.
Sincerely ,
Bayarmaa Gurtseden
Uyanga Dorjmyagmar
School of telecommunication and information technology MUST
Apt 24-9 , 16th khoroo, Bayanzurh district, Ulaanbaatar Mongolia
To: Unitel corporation
I have had the pleasure of knowing Uyanga Dorjmyagmar For 4 years.. During the years I have seen a many examples of her talent and have long been impressed by her diligence and work ethic. I understand that Uyanga is an applying to the student exchange program at your company. I would like to recommend her for admission.
As Uyanga’s teacher, when I have giving her lot of assignment, she always done it on time. She skilled In communication software and hardware. She also has experience in switching system as engineer.
If you are looking for experienced candidate with ability to rise. Uyanga is an good choice. She is a creative, capable and personable, helpful young woman. She is responsible, skilled in teamwork and such a quick learner.
I feel confident in saying that is capable of handing any with thoughtfulness and maturity. If you have any further questions, feel free to contact me at 99999999 and I'll be happy to answer any questions you have.
Sincerely ,
Bayarmaa Gurtseden
CV Curriculum vitae
Curriculum vitae
Name: Uyagna Dorjmyagmar
Ulaanbaatar 233333
Telephone: 976-11333333
Cellphone: 976-96725300
E_mail: uyanga_88669186@yahoo.com uyanga_96725300@gogo.mn
Date of birth: 30 November 1990
Nationality: Mongolia
Citizenship: Ulaanbaatar
Gender: Female
Marital status: single
1st High School, graduated in 2008, Ulaanbaatar,mongolia
University: school of Information and Telecommunication
Other skills:
I am literate and can use all different types of Microsoft Office programs.(such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Adobe, Corel, Photoshop, etc)
Translation /translate about new technologies to mongolia/
Curriculum vitae
Name: Uyagna Dorjmyagmar
Ulaanbaatar 233333
Telephone: 976-11333333
Cellphone: 976-96725300
E_mail: uyanga_88669186@yahoo.com uyanga_96725300@gogo.mn
Date of birth: 30 November 1990
Nationality: Mongolia
Citizenship: Ulaanbaatar
Gender: Female
Marital status: single
1st High School, graduated in 2008, Ulaanbaatar,mongolia
University: school of Information and Telecommunication
Other skills:
I am literate and can use all different types of Microsoft Office programs.(such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Adobe, Corel, Photoshop, etc)
Translation /translate about new technologies to mongolia/
Sunday, December 5, 2010
translation method
1.Текстээ бүхэлд нь гүйлгэж уншина. Scimming the whole text.
2.Текстээс мэдэхгүй үгийг тэмдэглэнэ. Entry the unknown words from text.
3.Мэдэхгүй үгээ тольдоно. Glance at word from dictionary.
4.Тольдсон үгнээс оновчтойг нь сонгоно. Choose the proper words from translated words.
5.Текстийн утгыг ойлгохыг оролдоно. Try to understand the text and what it is about generally.
6.Өгүүлбэр өгүүлбэрээр утга санааг гаргана. Try to lay out the sentence by sentence.
7.Гол ба туслах өгүүлбэрүүдээ олно. Find gist or supplementary and subsidairy sentences.
8. Өгүүлбэрийнхээ холбоос үг, угтвар үгээ олно. Find prefix and conjunction words in detail.
9.Дараа нь тэр өгүүлбэрийн үндсэн утгыг гарахыг зорино. Then obtaining gist of that sentence.
10.Орчуулгаа ноороглож бичнэ. Write down a draft translation.
11.Өгүүлбэрийн найруулгыг дахин хянана. Examine the wording that draft translation.
12.Орчуулгыг цэгцэлж оновчтой болгоно.. Rearrange the draft text and to create the optimum translation.
13.Орчуулгыг эцэслэн эх хувилбарыг гаргана. Finally, I produce an initial version.
14.Дараагийн өгүүлбэрт орчуулсан үгээ хэрэглэнэ. Re use the translated words onto next sentences.
1.Текстээ бүхэлд нь гүйлгэж уншина. Scimming the whole text.
2.Текстээс мэдэхгүй үгийг тэмдэглэнэ. Entry the unknown words from text.
3.Мэдэхгүй үгээ тольдоно. Glance at word from dictionary.
4.Тольдсон үгнээс оновчтойг нь сонгоно. Choose the proper words from translated words.
5.Текстийн утгыг ойлгохыг оролдоно. Try to understand the text and what it is about generally.
6.Өгүүлбэр өгүүлбэрээр утга санааг гаргана. Try to lay out the sentence by sentence.
7.Гол ба туслах өгүүлбэрүүдээ олно. Find gist or supplementary and subsidairy sentences.
8. Өгүүлбэрийнхээ холбоос үг, угтвар үгээ олно. Find prefix and conjunction words in detail.
9.Дараа нь тэр өгүүлбэрийн үндсэн утгыг гарахыг зорино. Then obtaining gist of that sentence.
10.Орчуулгаа ноороглож бичнэ. Write down a draft translation.
11.Өгүүлбэрийн найруулгыг дахин хянана. Examine the wording that draft translation.
12.Орчуулгыг цэгцэлж оновчтой болгоно.. Rearrange the draft text and to create the optimum translation.
13.Орчуулгыг эцэслэн эх хувилбарыг гаргана. Finally, I produce an initial version.
14.Дараагийн өгүүлбэрт орчуулсан үгээ хэрэглэнэ. Re use the translated words onto next sentences.
CH A P T E R 29
Electronic Messaging
Electronic messaging has transformed commerce and our personal lives to such
a degree that it is difficult to remember when we did not have instantaneous message
and file transfer at our fingertips. E-mail is the most frequently used application
on the Internet, which is rather astounding considering the popularity of
the Web, which occupies second place. E-mail is revolutionizing the way people
communicate. No longer is it necessary to fax a document, wait for the postal service,
or even walk down the hall to another office. Information can be transferred
instantaneously between any computers that have access to an e-mail server,
either a public server or a private server attached to the office LAN.
The world has had e-mail for many years, but it needed the Internet to bring
the ease of use and near-universal connectivity that we now have. The first e-mail
systems were isolated islands. Some were host based, residing on a mainframe or
minicomputer, and useful only for internal communications. For example, IBM
provided PROFS or SNADS for users operating on an IBM mainframe and the
UNIX operating system provided e-mail as a standard feature. Communicating
outside the office network, however, was neither easy nor In expensive. Valueadded
carriers such as AT&T American Telephone and Telegraph Corporation and MCI media control interface provided e-mail as did database companies
such as AOL America On Line and CompuServe on-line information service provider. If you knew the addressing protocol, you could
usually transmit messages to someone on another network, but it was difficult to
be sure the message would arrive.
E-mail was one of the earliest applications for the Internet. Simple Mail
Transfer Protocol was devised to permit two UNIX computers connected with
IP to interact with each other’s internal mail application. SMTP Simple Mail Transport Protocol uses a text-based
dialogue between computers to transfer mail.
The ITU-T’ answer to e-mail is the X.400 Message Handling System (MHS)
protocol. Public e-mail systems such as those operated by the major IXC long-distance telephone company s and
most international carriers use X.400 and it is the common language that many proprietary systems speak. In contrast to SMTP, X.400 is not simple. It is, however,
an international standard that can operate between companies and across borders.
Before the Department of Defense turned over change direction; exchange; submit; (Slang) rob
the Internet to private operation,
X.400 was the main methodof interconnecting õîëáîãäîõ otherwise incompatible systems.
Both X.400 and Internet e-mail have similar features
The earliest versions did not
support file transfer, but today you can attach any type of information such as
voice and video clips, documents, and spreadsheets spreadsheet n. accounting program for a computer; chart with multiple columns used in such a program
to an e-mail message with
little more effort than a mouse click.
One of the major attractions attractionn. inward pull; something which excites interest and attention
of Internet e-mail is the fact that practically anyone
can get an address that is easy to use and remember , and if you are willing to
put up with
advertising, it may even be free. The other major value of e-mail is its
asynchronous nature. Messages are stored in a server until the recipient
is ready to pick them up. Internet e-mail is a client-server application. The
client software resides, on desktop computers and the servers are either internal to
a company or operated by an ISP Internet Service Provider. Internal e-mail servers receive mail for the
and distribute it internally in the interior, on the inside, from the inside; mentally, usually after checking it for viruses.
To some
degree, e-mail and voice mail have similar characteristics. Both
permit information transfer without the simultaneous availability of the participants.
Both work across time zones. They can broadcast messages to defined user
groups, and with unified messaging the two are linked to enable users to choose
the device that they want to use to retrieve messages. Voice mail is more transitory
than e-mail, which retains a written record of the communication. This is a
major advantage of e-mail, except for those who later need deniability.
E-mail has transcended organizational boundaries . Individuals throughout
the world exchange e-mail messages at a cost that is practically zero. Instant messaging
(IM), once the province of teenagers, is moving into the enterprise, where
short messages can pop up on computer screens, wireless phones, or PDAs Personal Digital Assistant. This
chapter discusses some of the applications and the protocols under which e-mail
operates. We review the issues involved in implementing such applications as
electronic mail, IM, electronic data interchange (EDI) Electronic Data Interchange , and data interchange
between similar applications such as word processors special computer program that allows one to edit documents that have been entered into the computer.
The terms messaging system and e-mail are often used interchangeably, but to be
accurate , e-mail is only one of the types of information that a messaging
system can transport. For example, scheduling, calendaring, forms, workflow,
inventory , and business documents that are transported over EDI are examples of
applications that can be built on a messaging system. Some form of e-mail exists
for nearly every computer operating system in existence, and nearly every desktop
computer today runs an e-mail client.
Figure 29-1 is a generic
diagram of an electronic messaging system. Message
transfer agents (MTAs) are the servers that move e-mail across the backbone spine; bone marrow; strength of character, determination; physical infrastructure of the Internet (Computers network.
The backbone can be a public backbone such as the Internet or a private
F I G U R E 29-1
A Generic Messaging System
network running IP or some other protocol. The user agent (UA), also known
as the client, is used at both ends of a mail system to create , send, receive, and
manage messages. Microsoft Outlook, for example, is a popular client. Many
others are available; some can be downloaded without cost . The client
links with one or more MTAs to transfer messages. The client has four main
_ Lists headers of all of the messages in your mailbox. The header identifies
the subject, sender, time, date, and message size.
_ Provides a method of opening and reading messages and file attachments.
_ Provides a structure
for creating and sending messages.
_ Provides a structure for attaching files.
Aclient wishing to send a message first links to a server that recognizes
it as
an authorized
user. The server identifies the client by user name and password,
and then gives the client permission
to transfer the message. If the addressee
resides on the same server, the message is moved to the addressee’s mailbox. If
the addressee is not local , the server queries DNS to find the address of the
addressee’s SMTP server. Then the message is forwarded across the backbone. All
of the MTAs in the message transfer process must be capable of supporting all of
the features the client requested or the transfer will fail. For example, if the messaging
system is capable of carrying voice clips, but one server in the chain lacks
that capability, the feature will be unavailable. If the addressee is unidentified or
unreachable, the server sends an e-mail message to the sender. In the Internet mail system, the MTA resides in ISPs’ mail servers. When
client software is set up, it contains
the name and address of the mail server, which
could be an internal server running software such as Microsoft Exchange, or it
could be an ISP’s server. Small organizations and individual users normally cannot
justify the cost and complexity of a mail server, so they use the ISP’s server
and set up their client software to check for mail periodically.
The mail server typically runs two different applications: the SMTP server
for sending outgoing mail, and the post office server for inbound mail. Post Office
Protocol 3 (POP3) is a simple protocol that transfers mail to the client without
retaining retain
a copy. Once mail is read from a POP3 Post Office Protocol
n. protocol for receiving electronic mail from a central POP server (Computers)
server, it is deleted, although the
user can save it on the client computer. An Internet Message Access Protocol
(IMAP) server retains messages on the post office server until they are deleted.
The post office server maintains a list of all clients’ user names and passwords for
Retrieving mail. Message transfer between incompatible
MTAs must go through a
gateway, which translates the protocols of the systems. For example, gateways
transfer mail between the Internet and X.400.
ITU-T has adopted X.400 as its standard message-handling protocol. X.400 is more
popular in Europe than in the United States, where Internet mail over SMTP Simple Mail Transport Protocol -
became the accepted method of e-mail communications. Some international carriers
implement all or part of X.400. The protocol provides for both a UA and an
MTA, but many carriers choose to provide a proprietary user interface.
The power of X.400 is procured at a sacrifice of simplicity . It is a complex system
to set up and administer which is the reason that many host-based and proprietary
mail systems use their own protocol and use X.400 for message exchange
between systems. X.400 is an open architecture , but it is impractical
for LAN
application because of its overhead and complex addressing method of accessing network resources scheme. Each X.400
MHS is an independent
Domain and these must be connected by agreement
between the carriers. If you subscribe to mail from one carrier, you will be able to
send mail to customers of another carrier only if they have established an interconnection
and a gateway to pass messages. Many X.400-to-Internet
mail gateways are in use because Internet mail is so much more prevalent.
X.400 Addressing
X.400 uses a multilevel hierarchical address as illustrated in Figure 29-2. The character
string can be daunting until one understands its structure. At the top level is
the root, followed by country, which is a mandatory part of the address. The next
level can be A for an administrative domain or P for a private domain. An administrative
domain is usually a service provider such as AT&T Mail. Large companies
may use a private domain in lieu of a service provider. At the next level is
F I G U R E 29-2
X.400 Addressing Structure
organization unit (OU), which is a unique identifier referring to a company’s private
messaging system. Below the organization companies may identify localities
and organizational units of several levels. The lowest inferior
level is the CN (common
name), which can optionally be stated as given name (G) and surname (S).
The X.400 addressing system is flexible, but verbose. The protocol allows for
address aliasing, which can provide a shortcut address across directory levels.
Users are unlikely to understand the addressing well enough to create their own
Aliases , so expert assistance
may be needed. Most effective UAs provide shortcut
X.500 Directory Service for X.400
ITU’s X.500 protocol contains information about X.400 addresses. The directory is
hierarchically organized along X.400 lines by country, organization, organizational
unit, and person. An entry at each level has certain attributes, some of which are
optional. Any organization can implement a directory provided it adheres to the
structure. The X.500 standard does not cover the contents of the directory, so companies can maintain any type of information desired in the database, filtering
and screening to keep parts of it private. A company could, for example, publish
certain e-mail addresses, but keep everything else including telephone numbers
and mail stops private within the company.
Directory information is stored in a directory systems agent (DSA), which can
Represent one or a group of organizations. The interface to the DSA is known as a
directory user agent (DUA). DSAs communicate with each other using the Directory
Access Protocol (DAP) and the Directory Service Protocol (DSP). DSAs use DSP to
exchange directory information and DAP to retrieve information. Users not knowing
the e-mail address of another user can access the DUA much as they might call
directory assistance to get a telephone number. After they obtain the address, they
can store it in the e-mail application or in the central directory in an enterprise
e-mail system. DAP is too complex for most small intracompany mail systems.
These systems generally use LDAP, which is discussed later.
To be X.500 compliant compliant
, a system must provide four elements:
_ A DUA for user access
_ A directory service agent that speaks the DAP and DSP protocols
_ Basic directory functions such as information storage saving of computerized information, retrieval, and
_ Security including user authentication
As e-mail becomes mission critical in many companies, the message volume the
Typical worker must contend with grows , and handling it becomes a problem.
Hackers and other miscreants regularly use e-mail to propagate viruses , worms,
and Trojan horses through firewalls security system for protecting against illegal entry to a local area network which is connected to the Internet (Computers) and on to their victims’ computers. (A Trojan
horse is a program that performs some detrimental action while pretending to do
something else. For example, fake login programs prompt users for logins and
passwords.) Unwanted e-mail, popularly known as “spam” permeates the network,
clogging servers and wasting bandwidth with transmissions that are useless
or worse. To cope with this growing problem, e-mail systems are becoming more
intelligent, classifying mail based on information in the header head-first dive; butt, ramming; top title, title which appears at the top of every page of a document, known noxious sites, key words, and other such methods of prioritizing and discarding throwing away, getting rid of some object that is considered useless or not worth having messages.
These techniques , called rules-based messaging, enable users and administrators
to filter
messages that might otherwise inundate them. Unfortunately, some benign
messages are filtered out in the process. Many e-mail systems temporarily quarantine
messages, leaving it up to the users to decide whether to discard
Many application programs such as word processing and spreadsheets are
messaging system enabled. A mail-aware program knows that a messaging
system exists, and how to send data over it. It does not know how to process the
data. Amail-enabled application generates e-mail messages and uses the message transfer system to transfer information through the network. A mail-enabled
application can do everything that a mail-aware program can, plus it can route,
receive, and authenticate messages.
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
Although comparative
statistics are not available, there is little question that the
quantity of messages sent on Internet e-mail far exceed those on X.400 networks,
even in European countries. SMTP is an easy and unsophisticated
mail system
that was first set up between UNIX computers. Figure 29-3 shows how UNIX
computers transfer mail between each other. To send a message, the sender types
the message into the UA, which passes the message to the MTA. Each computer
can reach a DNS, which contains the IP address for every user on the network. The
MTA transfers the message to the other computer via a TCP/IP link, locally over
Ethernet or to a distant network over the Internet. The two MTAs carry on a
simple dialog to establish communication. The message transfers to the receiving
MTA, which stores it in the user’s mailbox. If the addressee is unknown, the
receiving MTA returns a message to that effect.
By itself, SMTP can handle only seven-bit ASCII text, which means that
additional software is needed to enable a message to carry a binary file. The IETF
developed a protocol known as Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME),
which converts files into a format that SMTP can handle. All mail servers that
enable users to attach files to messages implement MIME.
F I G U R E 29-3
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
A major difference between SMTP and X.400 is in the language used. X.400
communicates using ASN.1, which is a formal language for describing messages
to be exchanged between network devices. It communicates in binary, in contrast to SMTP, which communicates in text form. For example, a communication between
an e-mail client and a POP3 server uses simple commands such as USER, PASS,
and LIST to log in and retrieve messages. With a little practice, anyone can look at
the details of SMTP message exchanges and see what is going on.
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) set of protocols which enable computers to access X 500 information directories
The X.500 protocol is too cumbersome for many organizations to use, but some
method of maintaining directories is required. Every organization has its internal
directory, often printed on paper, and usually obsolete
before it can be distributed.
On-line connected to the Internet directories subdivision of a disk in which files are stored are the preferred method because they can be updated daily
if necessary. An on-line directory is easy for people to use, but it needs structure
to be used in machine communications. Applications must be able to find someone
regardless of location to send an e-mail, instant message, or voice call. This usually
depends on multiple interacting directories. Most enterprises have multiple directories
to manage the various applications that define their employees’ telecommunications
resources. Even products from the same manufacturer
such as a PBX PBX (Private Branch Exchange)
telephone system that is owned by an organization
and its
voice mail have separate databases that must be separately updated. By the time a
new employee is equipped with logins, passwords, authentication and authorization for devices such as telephone, voice mail, e-mail, an ID badge, a user account on one
or more servers, a door access code, pager, cell phone, and a company credit card, the
number of accounts that must be established is overwhelming The answer, increasingly is LDAP. With a properly configured directory, an HR person could add a new
employee, update the directory subdivision of a disk in which files, and automatically populate other directories.
LDAP defines:
_ A protocol for accessing directory information
_ Amodel defining the format and character of the information
_ A namespace defining how information is referenced and organized
_ A model defining the operations one can perform such a search, add,
delete, etc.
_ Amodel of defining how data may be distributed and referenced LDAP is now in Version which supports non-ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange and non-English
characters for international operation. LDAP enables users to look up information
from an online directory or e-mail contact list by entering the name or other
request. From a single request, LDAP can search multiple directories and return
various ways that the same person or information could be located. LDAP also
plays a key role in directory-enabled networks (DEN), which is a multivendor
initiative to simplify the management of complex networks through directories. LDAP directories are arranged in a hierarchy starting with a global name
and working downward in more detail such as department, division employee
name, and so on. It can also link a person’s name to other information such as
preference for being located. The LDAP hierarchy starts with the distinguished
name (DN). The DN is divided into separate or sever into parts domain components (DC), organizational unit
(OU), and common name (CN), ending with an attribute type and value. Here is
an example of how an LDAP directory might appear DN McGraw-Hill Corporation
DC Book Division
OU Professional Trade
CN Mary Smith
Address: 1333 Burr Ridge Parkway Burr Ridge, IL 60527
Phone: 630-555-1234
Fax: 630-555-4321
e-mail: marysmith@mcgraw-hill.com
The directory could be further enlarged to include such information as cell
phone number, supervisor, emergency contact information, preferred method of
being contacted, normal work schedule, deviations from the schedule, etc. Some
information can be kept private, while opening the rest to public view. The directory
information resides on a local server, which can be configured to pass information
to other servers such as one at corporate headquarters. LDAP can search
multiple directories or use URLs for directory look up. Accessible information
might reside in a Web page, a catalog, a human resource directory, or other such
servers, and LDAP can check them all. LDAP can reside on some endpoints. SIP
telephones, for example, can have LDAP capability. SIP for Instant Messaging and
Presence Leveraging Extensions (SIMPLE), a protocol for notifying IM users of
status changes, can also be implemented from SIP devices. Calendar and scheduling
information can be kept in the directory or accessed from other applications
such as an electronic calendar. Companies can keep records on customer purchases
and buying habits and associate them with entries in their LDAP directory.
Every e-mail program has a personal address book, but the question is how
you reach someone whom you have never communicated with before. LDAP
servers index data in trees and you can use a variety of filters to select a person or
group you want. Users can set permissions to allow only certain people to access
the database and to keep some information private. Servers also have an authentication
service to identify the person requesting information from a directory.
Instant Messaging
IM, once the province of teenagers, friends, and family members, is finding a place
in the enterprise as products gain business features. IM is an IP-based application LDAP directories are arranged
in a hierarchy starting with a global name
and working downward in more detail such as department division, employee
name, and so on. It can also link a person’s name to other information such as
preference for being located. The LDAP hierarchy starts with the distinguished
name (DN). The DN is divided into separate or sever into parts domain components (DC), organizational unit
(OU), and common name (CN), ending with an attribute type and value. Here is
an example of how an LDAP directory might appear:
DN McGraw-Hill Corporation
DC Book Division
OU Professional Trade
CN Mary Smith
Address: 1333 Burr Ridge Parkway Burr Ridge, IL 60527
Phone: 630-555-1234
Fax: 630-555-4321
e-mail: marysmith@mcgraw-hill.com
The directory could be enlarged to include such information as cell
phone number, supervisor, emergency contact information, preferred method of
being contacted, normal work schedule, deviations from the schedule, etc. Some
information can be kept private, while opening the rest to public view. The directory
information resides on a local server, which can be configured to pass information
to other servers such as one at corporate headquarters. LDAP can search
multiple directories or use URLs for directory look up. Accessible
might reside in a Web page, a catalog, a human resource directory, or other such
servers, and LDAP can check them all. LDAP can reside on some endpoints. SIP
telephones, for example, can have LDAP capability. SIP for Instant Messaging and
Presence Leveraging Extensions (SIMPLE), a protocol for notifying IM users of
status changes, can also be implemented from SIP devices. Calendar and scheduling
information can be kept in the directory or accessed from other applications
such as an electronic calendar. Companies can keep records on customer purchases
and buying habits and associate, them with entries in their LDAP directory.
Every e-mail program has a personal address book, but the question is how
you reach someone whom you have never communicated with before. LDAP
servers index data in trees and you can use a variety of filters to select a person or
group you want. Users can set permissions to allow only certain people to access
the database and to keep some information private. Servers also have an authentication
service to identify the person requesting information from a directory.
Instant Messaging
IM, once the province of teenagers, friends, and family members, is finding a place
in the enterprise as products gain business features. IM is an IP-based application users’ presence can be indicated by status messages such as stating that they are
out of the office or on vacation. The directory provides a way for users to communicate
their reachability state of being reachable; attainability and communication profile as a means of controlling
how others communicate with them. Users can receive messages even while off
line/pending messages are delivered when they log in. Most messaging systems
have a presence -awareness feature. The basic level indicates whether the user is
online and willing to accept messages. Users can elaborate on the basic level with
additional status messages. This brings up a privacy issue since users must be
assured that their personal information is available only to trusted users. The fact
that a person is on vacation or out of town, for example, would be provided to
business colleagues and the family, but not to strangers.
Besides the ability to pop messages on other users’ screens, chat rooms are
the most valuable feature of IM products. With these, users can set up online meetings
either informal or with a moderator. Chat rooms can be restricted to a limited
group of users that are screened and approved, or they can be set up as public so
anyone can browse. Users can click a button to “raise their hand” to be recognized. Sessions can be browsed and searched and replayed in real time or users
can fast forward and rewind through the meeting. If it is a public meeting, all
users can see it, but the moderator can password protect the chat room.
In addition to chat rooms, enterprise IM products have a variety of features such
as the following that are among the most valuable:
_ News board: This feature lets users post announcements for general
_ Content filtering: Inappropriate language can be filtered out of chat
sessions and online news boards.
_ File and screen sharing: IM provides an easy way of sending spreadsheets
and other documents as file attachments.
_ Whiteboard and screen sharing: Participants in a meeting can all share a
whiteboard or information on other users’ screens.
_ Management and reporting tools: Tools show information such as who is
logged in, how many active meetings are in progress, and who is using
tools such as whiteboarding and videoconferencing.
_ Polling: IM can distribute polling screens requesting users to respond to
multiple-choice polls. For example, several alternatives could be
displayed for the company picnic and the system could collect and
summarize the results.
_ LDAP integration: The user directory can run under LDAP, which brings
numerous benefits over and above IM. Some products have proprietary
directories or run under a directory such as Netware/NDS.
_ Message encryption: Most products support encryption to keep confidential
messages out of unauthorized hands. _ IM platform integration: Some products can integrate with other IM
platforms or servers that may be applied by business partners or other
outside organizations. Some products can interface with public IM
_ Scheduling calendar: Some products provide an online scheduling calendar
that can be used to reserve chat rooms and show who is using the
Unlike the IP protocol on which it runs, IM is proprietary. Products can be
designed for interoperability, but in most cases some features will not operate
between platforms. The IETF is working on Instant Messaging and Presence
Protocol (IMPP), which is an architecture for simple presence and awareness notification.
It specifies how authentication
, messaging integrity, encryption, and
access control are integrated. Message formats may also be proprietary. Extensible
Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP) is an XML-based protocol for near realtime
extensible messaging and presence that the IETF is working on to standardize
message formats.
ELECTRONIC DATA INTERCHANGE transmission of standard electronic documents between computer systems of companies or business organizations
Global markets are changing the way we do business. To remain businesses must know their customers and respond to their needs. In international
trade it takes an average of 46 documents to move products across boundaries.
Traditional mail is too slow, and facsimile is impracticall to authenticate
for some
applications, which raises the need for electronic document interchange. EDI is the
intercompany exchange of legally binding trade documents. EDI enables companies
to exchange a variety of business documents such as invoices, requests for
proposals, and shipping and purchase orders over an electronic network.
EDI offers both cost savings and strategic benefits to the trading partners.
Cost savings come from reduced labor costs, reduced stock levels that result from
shorter document turnaround, and savings in telephone and postage costs.
Improved response time is a major advantage,. Companies can respond quickly to
purchase orders, requests for quotes, and other such documents. In the past, trading
partners developed document formats they could use between themselves,
but it was impractical to make these arrangements with multiple trading partners.
An international standard set of forms was needed. EDI was conceived in the
1970s, but its acceptance has been slow. Part of the reason has been that expensive,
often mainframe-based software was required. Now EDI can be implemented on
PCs at a much lower cost than mainframe or minicomputer systems. PC-based
EDI can be integrated with e-mail and documents can be transferred across the
Internet by taking appropriate security precautions.
EDI software performs two main functions. It maps the fields on EDI documents
with fields in the application software, and translates the data to and from
the EDI documents. EDI applications receive and prepare documents on the screen, allowing the user to fill in the fields from the keyboard. Mapping data between
fields is one of the most difficult parts of implementing EDI. It may be possible to
use a translation program to remap the fields from one document to another. In
the worst case it may be necessary , to print out the EDI document and rekey the
information into the application, which defeats much of the purpose.
Documents can be transferred by a variety of methods. Many large organizations
\ EDI sites where documents can be transferred to a secure site by
FTP/s or HTTP/s. EDI transmission of standard electronic documents between computer systemscan be implemented through store-and-forward messaging
over value-added networks or sent over the Internet as e-mail attachments Portable document format (PDF) files are a convenient way of locking the content
of file attachments to ensure that they cannot be altered. Value-added networks
also offer document validation, security functions, and special reports. VANs may
also convert protocols between the trading partners if they are incompatible.
EDI Standards
Four types of EDI standards are used:
_ Proprietary
_ Noncompliant and industry specific _ National, such as ANSI X.12
_ International, such as EDIFACT (EDI for Administration, Commerce,
and Transport)õóäàëäàà òýýâðèéí
EDIFACT is a complex set of EDI standards and rules developed under the
Auspices of the United Nations. Between ANSI X.12 and EDIFACT, standards have
been developed for most documents used in electronic commerce.
The Internet has revolutionized e-mail, evolving into a wide-open worldwide
backbone for fast and easy document delivery. It is also vulnerable as evidenced
by the attacks that have infected millions of computers with worms and viruses
and cost billions of dollars. Nevertheless, there is no turning back to the days
when creating and sending e-mail was hardly worth the effort
E-mail Evaluation
In selecting an e-mail system, the following are some issues that should be evaluated:
_ Adherence to standards: All e-mail systems support SMTP, MIME, POP-3,
and IMAP-4. Many systems also support LDAP. A messaging system may
need to connect to an X.400 system for some types of communication.
_ Ease of setup: E-mail server setup is not a trivial task with most systems. In
large organizations with thousands of users, some method of generating the accounts automatically should be provided Some systems provide
or ASCII files.
_ Security: Determine whether the system supports authentication and
Encryption conversion of data into cipher methods such as Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), which enables
Web clients and servers to pass confidential information securely by
encrypting it. The system should provide logs that the administrator can
view to detect such matters as repeated ineffective attempts to log in.
The system should provide an effective way of rejecting viruses and
filtering spam.
_ Choice of client: The using organization may standardize on client
software because it is part of a groupware application. The client and
the server may therefore be from different manufacturers. Determine
whether they support the necessary protocols to interoperate.
_ Disk management: Users are often careless about purging messages,
which may consume disk space rapidly, particularly when large files are
attached. The e-mail system should have tools for limiting message
storage space and for notifying users to purge old messages.
_ Additional applications: Many mail systems provide for other applications
besides mail receipt and delivery. For example, a corporate bulletin
board is one popular feature. Other common features of the client are
document control, calendar, and contact manager.
_ Usage information: Determine whether an audit trail through the system is
needed. Is message receipting necessary? Should the system provide usage
statistics for charging back to users or determining which departments
are the high users?
_ User interface: The user interface must be easy to use for composing,
sending, receiving, and managing messages. Users should be able to cut
and paste to and from word processors, attach files, easily, and move
them seamlessly across the network.
Instant Messaging Evaluation
Although IM is similar to e-mail, it has advantages that warrant its application in
many organizations. Although e-mail is supposed to be practically instantaneous,
sometimes it is not. IM is immediate and works in a conversational mode. It can
provide presence detection, and IM messages jump to the top of the priority list,
which can be a disadvantage. The following are considerations in selecting and
applying IM:
_ Security: Enterprise-grade systems should provide for end-to-end
encryption, authentication of participants, virus checking, and content
filtering. Products should be capable of rejecting unwanted IM messages. _ Peer-to-peer, public, or server based: Server-based IM is more appropriate
for larger organizations. Public IM raises security and privacy issues.
_ Interoperability: The proprietary nature of IM may become an impediment.
If trading partners use IM, compatibility of different systems may
become an issue. The system should be capable of implementing SIP
and SIMPLE as they are added to the network.
_ Directory integration: The IM system must be able to link to the corporate
directory, preferably on LDAP. It should be capable of detecting user
presence and communications preferences.
_ Auditing and logging: IM sessions should be logged and archived at the
server for later retrieval and playback. This is particularly critical in
organizations that are under a legal obligation to retain document
_ Feature implementation: The distinguishing factor among IM alternatives
may be the features the product provides. Such features as whiteboard,
voice and video conferencing, and sharing of computer applications
such as documents and spreadsheets are important in most enterprises.
EDI Evaluation
To implement EDI, a company needs four principal elements:
_ User application: This is the software that generates and receives EDI
documents. The major partner in an EDI exchange may furnish the
software. If not, review packages on the market, looking primarily for
ease of use. Programs that operate under a graphical user interface are
the easiest to use.
_ EDI software: This software translates the user application to EDI
message formats, provides the communications protocol for accessing
the network, and translates incoming EDI messages to the user application.
This software may be bundled with the user application software.
_ EDI hardware platform: This is a computer for running the EDI software.
In large companies it may be a mainframe or minicomputer. Most
companies starting EDI implementation will run it on a PC.
_ Network: If permissible, Internet is the easiest way to transfer messages.
If a VAN is used, either a dedicated or dial-up access is used.
Electronic Messaging
Electronic messaging has transformed commerce and our personal lives to such
a degree that it is difficult to remember when we did not have instantaneous message
and file transfer at our fingertips. E-mail is the most frequently used application
on the Internet, which is rather astounding considering the popularity of
the Web, which occupies second place. E-mail is revolutionizing the way people
communicate. No longer is it necessary to fax a document, wait for the postal service,
or even walk down the hall to another office. Information can be transferred
instantaneously between any computers that have access to an e-mail server,
either a public server or a private server attached to the office LAN.
The world has had e-mail for many years, but it needed the Internet to bring
the ease of use and near-universal connectivity that we now have. The first e-mail
systems were isolated islands. Some were host based, residing on a mainframe or
minicomputer, and useful only for internal communications. For example, IBM
provided PROFS or SNADS for users operating on an IBM mainframe and the
UNIX operating system provided e-mail as a standard feature. Communicating
outside the office network, however, was neither easy nor In expensive. Valueadded
carriers such as AT&T American Telephone and Telegraph Corporation and MCI media control interface provided e-mail as did database companies
such as AOL America On Line and CompuServe on-line information service provider. If you knew the addressing protocol, you could
usually transmit messages to someone on another network, but it was difficult to
be sure the message would arrive.
E-mail was one of the earliest applications for the Internet. Simple Mail
Transfer Protocol was devised to permit two UNIX computers connected with
IP to interact with each other’s internal mail application. SMTP Simple Mail Transport Protocol uses a text-based
dialogue between computers to transfer mail.
The ITU-T’ answer to e-mail is the X.400 Message Handling System (MHS)
protocol. Public e-mail systems such as those operated by the major IXC long-distance telephone company s and
most international carriers use X.400 and it is the common language that many proprietary systems speak. In contrast to SMTP, X.400 is not simple. It is, however,
an international standard that can operate between companies and across borders.
Before the Department of Defense turned over change direction; exchange; submit; (Slang) rob
the Internet to private operation,
X.400 was the main methodof interconnecting õîëáîãäîõ otherwise incompatible systems.
Both X.400 and Internet e-mail have similar features
The earliest versions did not
support file transfer, but today you can attach any type of information such as
voice and video clips, documents, and spreadsheets spreadsheet n. accounting program for a computer; chart with multiple columns used in such a program
to an e-mail message with
little more effort than a mouse click.
One of the major attractions attractionn. inward pull; something which excites interest and attention
of Internet e-mail is the fact that practically anyone
can get an address that is easy to use and remember , and if you are willing to
put up with
advertising, it may even be free. The other major value of e-mail is its
asynchronous nature. Messages are stored in a server until the recipient
is ready to pick them up. Internet e-mail is a client-server application. The
client software resides, on desktop computers and the servers are either internal to
a company or operated by an ISP Internet Service Provider. Internal e-mail servers receive mail for the
and distribute it internally in the interior, on the inside, from the inside; mentally, usually after checking it for viruses.
To some
degree, e-mail and voice mail have similar characteristics. Both
permit information transfer without the simultaneous availability of the participants.
Both work across time zones. They can broadcast messages to defined user
groups, and with unified messaging the two are linked to enable users to choose
the device that they want to use to retrieve messages. Voice mail is more transitory
than e-mail, which retains a written record of the communication. This is a
major advantage of e-mail, except for those who later need deniability.
E-mail has transcended organizational boundaries . Individuals throughout
the world exchange e-mail messages at a cost that is practically zero. Instant messaging
(IM), once the province of teenagers, is moving into the enterprise, where
short messages can pop up on computer screens, wireless phones, or PDAs Personal Digital Assistant. This
chapter discusses some of the applications and the protocols under which e-mail
operates. We review the issues involved in implementing such applications as
electronic mail, IM, electronic data interchange (EDI) Electronic Data Interchange , and data interchange
between similar applications such as word processors special computer program that allows one to edit documents that have been entered into the computer.
The terms messaging system and e-mail are often used interchangeably, but to be
accurate , e-mail is only one of the types of information that a messaging
system can transport. For example, scheduling, calendaring, forms, workflow,
inventory , and business documents that are transported over EDI are examples of
applications that can be built on a messaging system. Some form of e-mail exists
for nearly every computer operating system in existence, and nearly every desktop
computer today runs an e-mail client.
Figure 29-1 is a generic
diagram of an electronic messaging system. Message
transfer agents (MTAs) are the servers that move e-mail across the backbone spine; bone marrow; strength of character, determination; physical infrastructure of the Internet (Computers network.
The backbone can be a public backbone such as the Internet or a private
F I G U R E 29-1
A Generic Messaging System
network running IP or some other protocol. The user agent (UA), also known
as the client, is used at both ends of a mail system to create , send, receive, and
manage messages. Microsoft Outlook, for example, is a popular client. Many
others are available; some can be downloaded without cost . The client
links with one or more MTAs to transfer messages. The client has four main
_ Lists headers of all of the messages in your mailbox. The header identifies
the subject, sender, time, date, and message size.
_ Provides a method of opening and reading messages and file attachments.
_ Provides a structure
for creating and sending messages.
_ Provides a structure for attaching files.
Aclient wishing to send a message first links to a server that recognizes
it as
an authorized
user. The server identifies the client by user name and password,
and then gives the client permission
to transfer the message. If the addressee
resides on the same server, the message is moved to the addressee’s mailbox. If
the addressee is not local , the server queries DNS to find the address of the
addressee’s SMTP server. Then the message is forwarded across the backbone. All
of the MTAs in the message transfer process must be capable of supporting all of
the features the client requested or the transfer will fail. For example, if the messaging
system is capable of carrying voice clips, but one server in the chain lacks
that capability, the feature will be unavailable. If the addressee is unidentified or
unreachable, the server sends an e-mail message to the sender. In the Internet mail system, the MTA resides in ISPs’ mail servers. When
client software is set up, it contains
the name and address of the mail server, which
could be an internal server running software such as Microsoft Exchange, or it
could be an ISP’s server. Small organizations and individual users normally cannot
justify the cost and complexity of a mail server, so they use the ISP’s server
and set up their client software to check for mail periodically.
The mail server typically runs two different applications: the SMTP server
for sending outgoing mail, and the post office server for inbound mail. Post Office
Protocol 3 (POP3) is a simple protocol that transfers mail to the client without
retaining retain
a copy. Once mail is read from a POP3 Post Office Protocol
n. protocol for receiving electronic mail from a central POP server (Computers)
server, it is deleted, although the
user can save it on the client computer. An Internet Message Access Protocol
(IMAP) server retains messages on the post office server until they are deleted.
The post office server maintains a list of all clients’ user names and passwords for
Retrieving mail. Message transfer between incompatible
MTAs must go through a
gateway, which translates the protocols of the systems. For example, gateways
transfer mail between the Internet and X.400.
ITU-T has adopted X.400 as its standard message-handling protocol. X.400 is more
popular in Europe than in the United States, where Internet mail over SMTP Simple Mail Transport Protocol -
became the accepted method of e-mail communications. Some international carriers
implement all or part of X.400. The protocol provides for both a UA and an
MTA, but many carriers choose to provide a proprietary user interface.
The power of X.400 is procured at a sacrifice of simplicity . It is a complex system
to set up and administer which is the reason that many host-based and proprietary
mail systems use their own protocol and use X.400 for message exchange
between systems. X.400 is an open architecture , but it is impractical
for LAN
application because of its overhead and complex addressing method of accessing network resources scheme. Each X.400
MHS is an independent
Domain and these must be connected by agreement
between the carriers. If you subscribe to mail from one carrier, you will be able to
send mail to customers of another carrier only if they have established an interconnection
and a gateway to pass messages. Many X.400-to-Internet
mail gateways are in use because Internet mail is so much more prevalent.
X.400 Addressing
X.400 uses a multilevel hierarchical address as illustrated in Figure 29-2. The character
string can be daunting until one understands its structure. At the top level is
the root, followed by country, which is a mandatory part of the address. The next
level can be A for an administrative domain or P for a private domain. An administrative
domain is usually a service provider such as AT&T Mail. Large companies
may use a private domain in lieu of a service provider. At the next level is
F I G U R E 29-2
X.400 Addressing Structure
organization unit (OU), which is a unique identifier referring to a company’s private
messaging system. Below the organization companies may identify localities
and organizational units of several levels. The lowest inferior
level is the CN (common
name), which can optionally be stated as given name (G) and surname (S).
The X.400 addressing system is flexible, but verbose. The protocol allows for
address aliasing, which can provide a shortcut address across directory levels.
Users are unlikely to understand the addressing well enough to create their own
Aliases , so expert assistance
may be needed. Most effective UAs provide shortcut
X.500 Directory Service for X.400
ITU’s X.500 protocol contains information about X.400 addresses. The directory is
hierarchically organized along X.400 lines by country, organization, organizational
unit, and person. An entry at each level has certain attributes, some of which are
optional. Any organization can implement a directory provided it adheres to the
structure. The X.500 standard does not cover the contents of the directory, so companies can maintain any type of information desired in the database, filtering
and screening to keep parts of it private. A company could, for example, publish
certain e-mail addresses, but keep everything else including telephone numbers
and mail stops private within the company.
Directory information is stored in a directory systems agent (DSA), which can
Represent one or a group of organizations. The interface to the DSA is known as a
directory user agent (DUA). DSAs communicate with each other using the Directory
Access Protocol (DAP) and the Directory Service Protocol (DSP). DSAs use DSP to
exchange directory information and DAP to retrieve information. Users not knowing
the e-mail address of another user can access the DUA much as they might call
directory assistance to get a telephone number. After they obtain the address, they
can store it in the e-mail application or in the central directory in an enterprise
e-mail system. DAP is too complex for most small intracompany mail systems.
These systems generally use LDAP, which is discussed later.
To be X.500 compliant compliant
, a system must provide four elements:
_ A DUA for user access
_ A directory service agent that speaks the DAP and DSP protocols
_ Basic directory functions such as information storage saving of computerized information, retrieval, and
_ Security including user authentication
As e-mail becomes mission critical in many companies, the message volume the
Typical worker must contend with grows , and handling it becomes a problem.
Hackers and other miscreants regularly use e-mail to propagate viruses , worms,
and Trojan horses through firewalls security system for protecting against illegal entry to a local area network which is connected to the Internet (Computers) and on to their victims’ computers. (A Trojan
horse is a program that performs some detrimental action while pretending to do
something else. For example, fake login programs prompt users for logins and
passwords.) Unwanted e-mail, popularly known as “spam” permeates the network,
clogging servers and wasting bandwidth with transmissions that are useless
or worse. To cope with this growing problem, e-mail systems are becoming more
intelligent, classifying mail based on information in the header head-first dive; butt, ramming; top title, title which appears at the top of every page of a document, known noxious sites, key words, and other such methods of prioritizing and discarding throwing away, getting rid of some object that is considered useless or not worth having messages.
These techniques , called rules-based messaging, enable users and administrators
to filter
messages that might otherwise inundate them. Unfortunately, some benign
messages are filtered out in the process. Many e-mail systems temporarily quarantine
messages, leaving it up to the users to decide whether to discard
Many application programs such as word processing and spreadsheets are
messaging system enabled. A mail-aware program knows that a messaging
system exists, and how to send data over it. It does not know how to process the
data. Amail-enabled application generates e-mail messages and uses the message transfer system to transfer information through the network. A mail-enabled
application can do everything that a mail-aware program can, plus it can route,
receive, and authenticate messages.
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
Although comparative
statistics are not available, there is little question that the
quantity of messages sent on Internet e-mail far exceed those on X.400 networks,
even in European countries. SMTP is an easy and unsophisticated
mail system
that was first set up between UNIX computers. Figure 29-3 shows how UNIX
computers transfer mail between each other. To send a message, the sender types
the message into the UA, which passes the message to the MTA. Each computer
can reach a DNS, which contains the IP address for every user on the network. The
MTA transfers the message to the other computer via a TCP/IP link, locally over
Ethernet or to a distant network over the Internet. The two MTAs carry on a
simple dialog to establish communication. The message transfers to the receiving
MTA, which stores it in the user’s mailbox. If the addressee is unknown, the
receiving MTA returns a message to that effect.
By itself, SMTP can handle only seven-bit ASCII text, which means that
additional software is needed to enable a message to carry a binary file. The IETF
developed a protocol known as Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME),
which converts files into a format that SMTP can handle. All mail servers that
enable users to attach files to messages implement MIME.
F I G U R E 29-3
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
A major difference between SMTP and X.400 is in the language used. X.400
communicates using ASN.1, which is a formal language for describing messages
to be exchanged between network devices. It communicates in binary, in contrast to SMTP, which communicates in text form. For example, a communication between
an e-mail client and a POP3 server uses simple commands such as USER, PASS,
and LIST to log in and retrieve messages. With a little practice, anyone can look at
the details of SMTP message exchanges and see what is going on.
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) set of protocols which enable computers to access X 500 information directories
The X.500 protocol is too cumbersome for many organizations to use, but some
method of maintaining directories is required. Every organization has its internal
directory, often printed on paper, and usually obsolete
before it can be distributed.
On-line connected to the Internet directories subdivision of a disk in which files are stored are the preferred method because they can be updated daily
if necessary. An on-line directory is easy for people to use, but it needs structure
to be used in machine communications. Applications must be able to find someone
regardless of location to send an e-mail, instant message, or voice call. This usually
depends on multiple interacting directories. Most enterprises have multiple directories
to manage the various applications that define their employees’ telecommunications
resources. Even products from the same manufacturer
such as a PBX PBX (Private Branch Exchange)
telephone system that is owned by an organization
and its
voice mail have separate databases that must be separately updated. By the time a
new employee is equipped with logins, passwords, authentication and authorization for devices such as telephone, voice mail, e-mail, an ID badge, a user account on one
or more servers, a door access code, pager, cell phone, and a company credit card, the
number of accounts that must be established is overwhelming The answer, increasingly is LDAP. With a properly configured directory, an HR person could add a new
employee, update the directory subdivision of a disk in which files, and automatically populate other directories.
LDAP defines:
_ A protocol for accessing directory information
_ Amodel defining the format and character of the information
_ A namespace defining how information is referenced and organized
_ A model defining the operations one can perform such a search, add,
delete, etc.
_ Amodel of defining how data may be distributed and referenced LDAP is now in Version which supports non-ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange and non-English
characters for international operation. LDAP enables users to look up information
from an online directory or e-mail contact list by entering the name or other
request. From a single request, LDAP can search multiple directories and return
various ways that the same person or information could be located. LDAP also
plays a key role in directory-enabled networks (DEN), which is a multivendor
initiative to simplify the management of complex networks through directories. LDAP directories are arranged in a hierarchy starting with a global name
and working downward in more detail such as department, division employee
name, and so on. It can also link a person’s name to other information such as
preference for being located. The LDAP hierarchy starts with the distinguished
name (DN). The DN is divided into separate or sever into parts domain components (DC), organizational unit
(OU), and common name (CN), ending with an attribute type and value. Here is
an example of how an LDAP directory might appear DN McGraw-Hill Corporation
DC Book Division
OU Professional Trade
CN Mary Smith
Address: 1333 Burr Ridge Parkway Burr Ridge, IL 60527
Phone: 630-555-1234
Fax: 630-555-4321
e-mail: marysmith@mcgraw-hill.com
The directory could be further enlarged to include such information as cell
phone number, supervisor, emergency contact information, preferred method of
being contacted, normal work schedule, deviations from the schedule, etc. Some
information can be kept private, while opening the rest to public view. The directory
information resides on a local server, which can be configured to pass information
to other servers such as one at corporate headquarters. LDAP can search
multiple directories or use URLs for directory look up. Accessible information
might reside in a Web page, a catalog, a human resource directory, or other such
servers, and LDAP can check them all. LDAP can reside on some endpoints. SIP
telephones, for example, can have LDAP capability. SIP for Instant Messaging and
Presence Leveraging Extensions (SIMPLE), a protocol for notifying IM users of
status changes, can also be implemented from SIP devices. Calendar and scheduling
information can be kept in the directory or accessed from other applications
such as an electronic calendar. Companies can keep records on customer purchases
and buying habits and associate them with entries in their LDAP directory.
Every e-mail program has a personal address book, but the question is how
you reach someone whom you have never communicated with before. LDAP
servers index data in trees and you can use a variety of filters to select a person or
group you want. Users can set permissions to allow only certain people to access
the database and to keep some information private. Servers also have an authentication
service to identify the person requesting information from a directory.
Instant Messaging
IM, once the province of teenagers, friends, and family members, is finding a place
in the enterprise as products gain business features. IM is an IP-based application LDAP directories are arranged
in a hierarchy starting with a global name
and working downward in more detail such as department division, employee
name, and so on. It can also link a person’s name to other information such as
preference for being located. The LDAP hierarchy starts with the distinguished
name (DN). The DN is divided into separate or sever into parts domain components (DC), organizational unit
(OU), and common name (CN), ending with an attribute type and value. Here is
an example of how an LDAP directory might appear:
DN McGraw-Hill Corporation
DC Book Division
OU Professional Trade
CN Mary Smith
Address: 1333 Burr Ridge Parkway Burr Ridge, IL 60527
Phone: 630-555-1234
Fax: 630-555-4321
e-mail: marysmith@mcgraw-hill.com
The directory could be enlarged to include such information as cell
phone number, supervisor, emergency contact information, preferred method of
being contacted, normal work schedule, deviations from the schedule, etc. Some
information can be kept private, while opening the rest to public view. The directory
information resides on a local server, which can be configured to pass information
to other servers such as one at corporate headquarters. LDAP can search
multiple directories or use URLs for directory look up. Accessible
might reside in a Web page, a catalog, a human resource directory, or other such
servers, and LDAP can check them all. LDAP can reside on some endpoints. SIP
telephones, for example, can have LDAP capability. SIP for Instant Messaging and
Presence Leveraging Extensions (SIMPLE), a protocol for notifying IM users of
status changes, can also be implemented from SIP devices. Calendar and scheduling
information can be kept in the directory or accessed from other applications
such as an electronic calendar. Companies can keep records on customer purchases
and buying habits and associate, them with entries in their LDAP directory.
Every e-mail program has a personal address book, but the question is how
you reach someone whom you have never communicated with before. LDAP
servers index data in trees and you can use a variety of filters to select a person or
group you want. Users can set permissions to allow only certain people to access
the database and to keep some information private. Servers also have an authentication
service to identify the person requesting information from a directory.
Instant Messaging
IM, once the province of teenagers, friends, and family members, is finding a place
in the enterprise as products gain business features. IM is an IP-based application users’ presence can be indicated by status messages such as stating that they are
out of the office or on vacation. The directory provides a way for users to communicate
their reachability state of being reachable; attainability and communication profile as a means of controlling
how others communicate with them. Users can receive messages even while off
line/pending messages are delivered when they log in. Most messaging systems
have a presence -awareness feature. The basic level indicates whether the user is
online and willing to accept messages. Users can elaborate on the basic level with
additional status messages. This brings up a privacy issue since users must be
assured that their personal information is available only to trusted users. The fact
that a person is on vacation or out of town, for example, would be provided to
business colleagues and the family, but not to strangers.
Besides the ability to pop messages on other users’ screens, chat rooms are
the most valuable feature of IM products. With these, users can set up online meetings
either informal or with a moderator. Chat rooms can be restricted to a limited
group of users that are screened and approved, or they can be set up as public so
anyone can browse. Users can click a button to “raise their hand” to be recognized. Sessions can be browsed and searched and replayed in real time or users
can fast forward and rewind through the meeting. If it is a public meeting, all
users can see it, but the moderator can password protect the chat room.
In addition to chat rooms, enterprise IM products have a variety of features such
as the following that are among the most valuable:
_ News board: This feature lets users post announcements for general
_ Content filtering: Inappropriate language can be filtered out of chat
sessions and online news boards.
_ File and screen sharing: IM provides an easy way of sending spreadsheets
and other documents as file attachments.
_ Whiteboard and screen sharing: Participants in a meeting can all share a
whiteboard or information on other users’ screens.
_ Management and reporting tools: Tools show information such as who is
logged in, how many active meetings are in progress, and who is using
tools such as whiteboarding and videoconferencing.
_ Polling: IM can distribute polling screens requesting users to respond to
multiple-choice polls. For example, several alternatives could be
displayed for the company picnic and the system could collect and
summarize the results.
_ LDAP integration: The user directory can run under LDAP, which brings
numerous benefits over and above IM. Some products have proprietary
directories or run under a directory such as Netware/NDS.
_ Message encryption: Most products support encryption to keep confidential
messages out of unauthorized hands. _ IM platform integration: Some products can integrate with other IM
platforms or servers that may be applied by business partners or other
outside organizations. Some products can interface with public IM
_ Scheduling calendar: Some products provide an online scheduling calendar
that can be used to reserve chat rooms and show who is using the
Unlike the IP protocol on which it runs, IM is proprietary. Products can be
designed for interoperability, but in most cases some features will not operate
between platforms. The IETF is working on Instant Messaging and Presence
Protocol (IMPP), which is an architecture for simple presence and awareness notification.
It specifies how authentication
, messaging integrity, encryption, and
access control are integrated. Message formats may also be proprietary. Extensible
Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP) is an XML-based protocol for near realtime
extensible messaging and presence that the IETF is working on to standardize
message formats.
ELECTRONIC DATA INTERCHANGE transmission of standard electronic documents between computer systems of companies or business organizations
Global markets are changing the way we do business. To remain businesses must know their customers and respond to their needs. In international
trade it takes an average of 46 documents to move products across boundaries.
Traditional mail is too slow, and facsimile is impracticall to authenticate
for some
applications, which raises the need for electronic document interchange. EDI is the
intercompany exchange of legally binding trade documents. EDI enables companies
to exchange a variety of business documents such as invoices, requests for
proposals, and shipping and purchase orders over an electronic network.
EDI offers both cost savings and strategic benefits to the trading partners.
Cost savings come from reduced labor costs, reduced stock levels that result from
shorter document turnaround, and savings in telephone and postage costs.
Improved response time is a major advantage,. Companies can respond quickly to
purchase orders, requests for quotes, and other such documents. In the past, trading
partners developed document formats they could use between themselves,
but it was impractical to make these arrangements with multiple trading partners.
An international standard set of forms was needed. EDI was conceived in the
1970s, but its acceptance has been slow. Part of the reason has been that expensive,
often mainframe-based software was required. Now EDI can be implemented on
PCs at a much lower cost than mainframe or minicomputer systems. PC-based
EDI can be integrated with e-mail and documents can be transferred across the
Internet by taking appropriate security precautions.
EDI software performs two main functions. It maps the fields on EDI documents
with fields in the application software, and translates the data to and from
the EDI documents. EDI applications receive and prepare documents on the screen, allowing the user to fill in the fields from the keyboard. Mapping data between
fields is one of the most difficult parts of implementing EDI. It may be possible to
use a translation program to remap the fields from one document to another. In
the worst case it may be necessary , to print out the EDI document and rekey the
information into the application, which defeats much of the purpose.
Documents can be transferred by a variety of methods. Many large organizations
\ EDI sites where documents can be transferred to a secure site by
FTP/s or HTTP/s. EDI transmission of standard electronic documents between computer systemscan be implemented through store-and-forward messaging
over value-added networks or sent over the Internet as e-mail attachments Portable document format (PDF) files are a convenient way of locking the content
of file attachments to ensure that they cannot be altered. Value-added networks
also offer document validation, security functions, and special reports. VANs may
also convert protocols between the trading partners if they are incompatible.
EDI Standards
Four types of EDI standards are used:
_ Proprietary
_ Noncompliant and industry specific _ National, such as ANSI X.12
_ International, such as EDIFACT (EDI for Administration, Commerce,
and Transport)õóäàëäàà òýýâðèéí
EDIFACT is a complex set of EDI standards and rules developed under the
Auspices of the United Nations. Between ANSI X.12 and EDIFACT, standards have
been developed for most documents used in electronic commerce.
The Internet has revolutionized e-mail, evolving into a wide-open worldwide
backbone for fast and easy document delivery. It is also vulnerable as evidenced
by the attacks that have infected millions of computers with worms and viruses
and cost billions of dollars. Nevertheless, there is no turning back to the days
when creating and sending e-mail was hardly worth the effort
E-mail Evaluation
In selecting an e-mail system, the following are some issues that should be evaluated:
_ Adherence to standards: All e-mail systems support SMTP, MIME, POP-3,
and IMAP-4. Many systems also support LDAP. A messaging system may
need to connect to an X.400 system for some types of communication.
_ Ease of setup: E-mail server setup is not a trivial task with most systems. In
large organizations with thousands of users, some method of generating the accounts automatically should be provided Some systems provide
or ASCII files.
_ Security: Determine whether the system supports authentication and
Encryption conversion of data into cipher methods such as Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), which enables
Web clients and servers to pass confidential information securely by
encrypting it. The system should provide logs that the administrator can
view to detect such matters as repeated ineffective attempts to log in.
The system should provide an effective way of rejecting viruses and
filtering spam.
_ Choice of client: The using organization may standardize on client
software because it is part of a groupware application. The client and
the server may therefore be from different manufacturers. Determine
whether they support the necessary protocols to interoperate.
_ Disk management: Users are often careless about purging messages,
which may consume disk space rapidly, particularly when large files are
attached. The e-mail system should have tools for limiting message
storage space and for notifying users to purge old messages.
_ Additional applications: Many mail systems provide for other applications
besides mail receipt and delivery. For example, a corporate bulletin
board is one popular feature. Other common features of the client are
document control, calendar, and contact manager.
_ Usage information: Determine whether an audit trail through the system is
needed. Is message receipting necessary? Should the system provide usage
statistics for charging back to users or determining which departments
are the high users?
_ User interface: The user interface must be easy to use for composing,
sending, receiving, and managing messages. Users should be able to cut
and paste to and from word processors, attach files, easily, and move
them seamlessly across the network.
Instant Messaging Evaluation
Although IM is similar to e-mail, it has advantages that warrant its application in
many organizations. Although e-mail is supposed to be practically instantaneous,
sometimes it is not. IM is immediate and works in a conversational mode. It can
provide presence detection, and IM messages jump to the top of the priority list,
which can be a disadvantage. The following are considerations in selecting and
applying IM:
_ Security: Enterprise-grade systems should provide for end-to-end
encryption, authentication of participants, virus checking, and content
filtering. Products should be capable of rejecting unwanted IM messages. _ Peer-to-peer, public, or server based: Server-based IM is more appropriate
for larger organizations. Public IM raises security and privacy issues.
_ Interoperability: The proprietary nature of IM may become an impediment.
If trading partners use IM, compatibility of different systems may
become an issue. The system should be capable of implementing SIP
and SIMPLE as they are added to the network.
_ Directory integration: The IM system must be able to link to the corporate
directory, preferably on LDAP. It should be capable of detecting user
presence and communications preferences.
_ Auditing and logging: IM sessions should be logged and archived at the
server for later retrieval and playback. This is particularly critical in
organizations that are under a legal obligation to retain document
_ Feature implementation: The distinguishing factor among IM alternatives
may be the features the product provides. Such features as whiteboard,
voice and video conferencing, and sharing of computer applications
such as documents and spreadsheets are important in most enterprises.
EDI Evaluation
To implement EDI, a company needs four principal elements:
_ User application: This is the software that generates and receives EDI
documents. The major partner in an EDI exchange may furnish the
software. If not, review packages on the market, looking primarily for
ease of use. Programs that operate under a graphical user interface are
the easiest to use.
_ EDI software: This software translates the user application to EDI
message formats, provides the communications protocol for accessing
the network, and translates incoming EDI messages to the user application.
This software may be bundled with the user application software.
_ EDI hardware platform: This is a computer for running the EDI software.
In large companies it may be a mainframe or minicomputer. Most
companies starting EDI implementation will run it on a PC.
_ Network: If permissible, Internet is the easiest way to transfer messages.
If a VAN is used, either a dedicated or dial-up access is used.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
chapter 29
Systems -ухагдахуун,ойлгомж,ойлголт,ерєнхий тєсєєлєл
useful only for-дотоод хөрилцаа
neither -аль нь ч бищ
expensive- хямдхан,хямд тєсєр
Valueadded- үнэ нэмэгдссэн
provided- бал
devised to permit -зєвшєєрєх,хийлгэх,боломж олгох,нэвтрэх бичиг, тэмдэг бичиг,зєвшєєрєл
IP to interact -харилцан ажиллах
proprietary -ємчлєх эрх
borders-зах дагуу
Before the Department of Defense -батлан хамгаалахын яам
private -цэрэг,жагсаалын нууц,хувийн,амины,
operation- їйлдэл,удирдлага,ашиглалт,боловсруулалт
method- арга,арга барил
of interconnecting -холбогдох
otherwise -їгїй бол, єєрєєр
incompatible -їл нийцсэн,нийцэхгїй
features -онцгой шинжтэй байх
versions -магадлал,хувилбар
support -дэмжих,туслах
attach -холбох
more effort -оролдлого,завдлага,ололт,амжилт
practically -бараг,практик
remember -санах,цээжлэх,,
willing -бэлэн,сайн дурын,хичээнгїй
put up with -зєвшєєрєх, тэвчих
advertising -зарлагдсан,сурталчлагдсан
inherently -аль чухал нь,гол нь
asynchronous -нэг зэрэг бищ
server -толгой машин
recipient -хїлээн авагч
resides -суух,орших,байх,амьдрах,
receive -хїлээн авах
organization -зохион байгуулалт,байгууллага,бїтэц
and distribute -тїгээх,хувааж єгєх,тараах,хуваарилах,жигд тїрхэх,дэлгэрїїлэх,байрлуулах
To Both -хоёул,хоёулаа,аль аль нь
some -зарим,хэдэн,жаахан,бараг,орчим
simultaneous -зэрэг,хамт,нэг дор
unified -холбох,нийлїїлэх
enable -бололцоотой болгох,
choose -сонгох,шилэх,эрхэмлэх,дээр гэж їзэх
retrieve -буцаах,сэргээх
record -мэдээ баримт, бичлэг,тайлан мэдээ
advantage -давуу тал,давамгай байдал,давуу чанар,онцгой эрх
boundaries -хил хязгаар,хил,хязгаар,зааг.
Individuals -тус тусын,хувийн,хїн,хувь хїн,бодгаль,нэг хїн,нэг амьтан,хувийн,онцгой,тусдаа,салангид,ангид
Instant -агшин зуур,даруй,агшин,хором,яаралтай
province -муж,харъяа,тойрог,хошуу,хєдєє нутаг,орон нутаг,їйл ажиллагааны хїрээ
pop up -їзэгдэх, ил гарах
chapter -номын бїлэг,сэдэв
discusses -зєвлєх,хэлэлцэх,шїїмжлэн хэлэлцэх,зєвшилцєх
issues -дугаар,хэрэг
implementing -багаж хэрэгсэл,багаж,хєдєлмєрийн зэвсэг,хийх,гїйцэтгэх
interchange -багаж хэрэгсэл,багаж,хєдєлмєрийн зэвсэг,хийх,гїйцэтгэх шилжїїлэх,нїїлгэх
OVERVIEW -товч агуулга
strictly -чанга,хатуу,ширїїн,хїнд,хэцїї,бэрх,ноцтой,айхавтар
accurate -яг,нарийн,нягт,нямбай,зєв,яг
inventory -бїртгэл данс,эд хогшил,эд хогшил данслах
transported -зєєх,тээвэрлэх,дамжуулах
Some form -тєрєл,зїйл,дїрэм,журам
runs -хэрэгцээ,хэрэглэх зєвшєєрєл,бїлэг
client -тїнш,худалдан авагч,їйлчлїїлэгч,захиалагч
generic -ерєнхий
private -нууц,хувийн,амины,далд
system to create -тїнш,худалдан авагч,їйлчлїїлэгч,захиалагч//бїтээгдэхїїн,найруулах,їр дїн,їзїїлэх,їйлдвэрлэх,гаргах бїтээх,байгуулах,туурвих,байгуулах
without -їгїй,-гїй,гадна,гадаа,гаднаас нь
cost -єртєг,їнэтэй байх,їнэлэх.
client -тїнш,худалдан авагч,їйлчлїїлэгч,захиалагч
identifies -ялгах,адилтгах,холбох,таних,тогтоох,нэгдэх
structure -байгууламж,бїтэц,байгуулалт,барилга
attaching -холбох,бэхлэх
recognizes -таних,мэдрэх,зєвшєєрєх,мэдэх,хїлээн зєвшєєрєх,сайшаах
an authorized -тєлєєлїїлэх,тєлєєлєгч болгох,зєвшєєрєх,бїрэн эрх олгох
identifies -ялгах,адилтгах,холбох,таних,тогтоох,нэгдэх
the client -тїнш,худалдан авагч,їйлчлїїлэгч,захиалагч
permission -зєвшєєрєл
resides -суух,орших,байх,амьдрах,оршин суух
local -дотоод
requested -гуйлга,гуйлт,хїсэлт,эрэлт хэрэгцээ,гуйх,хїсэх,хїсэлт тавих,санал болгох
contains-тэжээх,тэтгэх,холих,агуулах,багтаах,барих,тэвчих, їлдэгдэлгїй,хуваагдах
running -хєдєлгєєн,їйлдэл,алгуур,ажиллагаа
organizations -зохион байгуулалт,байгууллага,бїтэц
complexity- ярвигтай,тєвєгтэй
inbound -гадаадаас ирж буй онгоц-р
retain хадгалах,байлгах,їлдээх,урих,хєлслєх,санах
although -ядаж,боловч
Retrieving- буцаах,сэргээх,агнасан шувууг олж авчрах,буцааж авах,засах,сэлбэх,хуучин хэвд нь оруулах
Incompatible- їл нийцсэн,нийцэхгїй,таарахгїй
Protocol -аар (дайрах,дамжих),-аар
accepted -нийтээр зєвшєєрсєн
implement- багаж хэрэгсэл,багаж,хєдєлмєрийн зэвсэг,хийх,гїйцэтгэх,багаж хэрэгслээр хангах,явуулах,инструмент
proprietary- ємчлєх эрх,ємчтєний анги,хєрєнгє эзэмшлийн
simplicity-энгийн байдал,цайлган сэтгэл,амархан хялбар,цагаан сэтгэл
administer- захирах,удирдах,ажил хэрэг хєтлєх,
proprietary- ємчлєх эрх,ємчтєний анги,хєрєнгє эзэмшлийн
architectur-e уран барилга,барилгын урлаг
impractical- гїйцэтгэж болшгїй,хэрэггїй,хэрэгцээгээ алдсан
overhead -нэмэлт зардал,дээд,толгой дээрх,толгой дээгїїр,нэмэлт,дээр,дээд давхарт
independent- тусгаар тотносон,бие даасан,тусгаар,хараат бус
Domain -эзэмшил,эзэмшил газар,їйл ажиллагааны салбар,
connect нэгдэх,залгах,холбох,залгасан,холбоотой
customers- худалдан авагч,захиалагч,їйлчлїїлэгч
agreement-зєвшєєрєл,гэрээ,хэлэлцээр,тохиролцоо, зохицол,зохицох ёс
prevalent- ихэнхи,олонхи,давуу,зонхилсон,єргєн дэлгэрсэн
multilevel - олон дахин,хуваагдах,нийлмэл
referring -холбогдох,єгїїлэх,холбоо тогтоох
organizational- заавал биш,туслах чанарын,сайн дурын,албан журмын бус
inferior -дор,дордос,доод тушаалтан,бага цолтон,захирагдагч,муу чанарын,доод
unlikely -маяггїй,янзгїй,їнэмшилгїй
enough- гїйцэх,хїрэлцээтэй,хангалттай
Aliases -нууц нэр
Assistance- тусламж,тэтгэмж,дэмжлэг
example -жишээ,їлгэр дууриал,жишээ,їлгэр дууриалал
including- хамт оруулж,оролцуулан багтаан,тїїний дотор,їїнд
Represent- їзїїлэх,зааварлах,орлох,тєлєєлєх,тєсєєлєн бодох,дїрслэн їзїїлэх
Communicate- мэдээлэх,дамжуулах,хэл хїргэх
assistance -тусламж,тэтгэмж,дэмжлэг
obtain -олох,авах,олж авах,хїрэх
central -тєвийн,гол,їндсэн,тэргїїлэх
intracompany -дотор,хэмжээний дотор
compliant -саймсрагч,зусарч,зулгуй,уян зєєлєн,їгэнд оромтгой
retrieval -буцаах,сэргээх,засах
Security -аюулгїй байдал,баталгаа,хамгаалал,батлан даалт,итгэл,стратеги,байлдааны бодлого including хамт оруулж,оролцуулан багтаан,тїїний дотор,їїнд
user authentication -шалгалт,биелэл
mission -тєлєєлєгчид,элчний газар,їїрэг,даалгавар,томилолт
critical- шїїмжлэлтэй,аюултай,осолтой,бэрх,шїїмжилсэн, єєлсєн,шїїмжлэлийн,шийдвэрлэх
contend with - тэмцэх,уралдах,тэмцэлдэх,маргах
grows -єсєх,ургах,нэмэгдэх,тарих
ical -хэвийн,ердийн,жирийн,хэвшмэл,нийтлэг
miscreants- луйварчин,алиа амьтан,зальт этгээд
regularly -тогтмол
propagate- їржїїлэх,тараах,нэвтрїїлэх,їржих,олшрох,тїгээх,дэлгэрїїлэх,дамжуулах
viruses -хорлох,сїйтгэх,гэмтээх
detrimental- алдагдалтай,хохиролтой,ашиггїй
pretending -їйлдэх,явуулах,гїйцэтгэх,тоглох,гїйцэтгэх,биелїїлэх,хийх,тоглох,толилуулах
fake -мэхлэх,залилах,дууриалган хийх,баашлах,дїр їзїїлэх
prompt- тїргэн,хурдан,саадгїй,шаламгай,хойшлуулашгїй ,хатгах,єдєєх,ятгах,сануулах,нууцаа хэлж єгєх
Unwanted- хїсээгїй,хїсмээргїй,илїї,хэрэггїй
popularly -бїх ардын,хамаг ардын,бїх нийтэд,бїх нийтээр
permeates- нэвтрэх,туулах,норох,орох,сїлбэх,нэвт хатгах
clogging -block, plug up; interfere
wasting -эвдэх,нураах,нураах,буулгах,няцаах,бут ниргэх
useless -хэрэггїй,ашиггїй
classifying тавих,єрєх,жагсаах,эмхлэх,цэгцлэх,тохиролцох,зохицуулах ,эвийг олох,бэлтгэх,арга хэмжээ авах
noxious- хортой
prioritizing- ахлах,тэргїїлэх,
rules-based - албан ёсны
filter -шїїх,тунгаах,нэвтрэх,шїїрэх
otherwise- їгїй бол,єєрєєр,єєр аргаар,эсвэл,эсрэг тохиолдолд
inundate -їерлэх,ус авах,ус дїїргэх
Unfortunately харамсалтай нь
Filtered- хиймэл,албадмал,шїїсэн,тунгаасан
Process- явдал,процесс,арга,технологийн їйл явц,урсгал,хєдєлгєєн,дуудлага
Temporarily- хальт,тїргэн
quarantine -карантин,хорио,тусгаарлал,хєл хорих
leaving -їлдэл,їлдэгдэл,бусад юм,бусад нь
decide -тогтох шийдэх,шийдвэрлэх
discard- хаях,гээх,халах,солих,болих,татгалзах
processing -хандах,їзэх,хэлэлцэх,шїїмжлэх,дайлах
spreadsheets -бїртгэл тооцоо
enabled -зєвшєєрєх,болох єгєх,олгох,хїлээн зєвшєєрєх .
aware -эрх мэдэл,хяналт,шалгалт,тохируулга
enabled- явах,авах,цэвэрлэх,янзлах,засах,хувирах
transfer -зєєвєр,зєєх,шилжїїлэх,дамжуулах,дамжих
through -турш
everything- бїгд
plus -нэмэгдэл тоо,нэмэлт,эерэг,нэмэх(цэнэг),нэмэх,нэмэх /цэнэг
authenticate -батлах,баталгаа єгєх
comparative -харьцангуй,харьцуулсан,харьцуулах зэрэг
statistics -тоо бїртгэл,статистик
available- эргэн тойрон,дэргэд,хажууд,тойроод áèø
quantity -хэмжээ,их хэмжээний,тоо хэмжээ,хэмжигдэхїїн
far -хол,алсын,холын,
exceed- хэтрэх,хэтрїїлэх,давуу байх,илїї байх
unsophisticated- мэдэлгїй,юм їзээгїй,хялбар,бїдїїлэг
transfer- зєєвєр,зєєх,шилжїїлэх,дамжуулах,дамжих
describing -дїрслэх,зурах
binary -хоёр,давхар хос
contrast -їзэх,эрс ялгаатай
retrieve- буцаах
practice- чадвар,мэргэжлийн ажил
organizations- эмхлэх,цэгцлэх,бэлтгэл,зохион байгуулалт,заавар,шийдвэр,хэлэлцээр
maintaining -тэжээх,хїчлэх,батлах,дэмжих,дэмжлэг їзїїлэх,тэтгэх,эсэргїїцэх
required -хэрэгцээ,шаардах,хїсэх
obsolete -хуучирсан,хэрэгцээнээс гарсан
necessary- чухал шаардлагатай
structure -байгууламж,бїтэц,байгуулалт,барилга
Regardless- бодолгїй,хайхралгїй
instant - агшин,хором,яаралтай
interacting -харилцан їйлдэх,харилцан ажиллах
employee- ажилчин
manufacturer- їйлдвэрлэгч,їйлдвэрийн газрын эзэн
separate -бие даасан,тєрєл бїрийн,тусгаарлах,салах,хагацах,салгах
separately- тусдаа,салангид
is equipped- бэлтгэх,хангах
, authentication- баталгаа,нотолгоо
authorization -зєвшєєрєл,бїрэн эрх олгохуй
badge -дохио,тэмдэг,шинж тэмдэг,бэлэгдэл,томъёолсон тэмдэг,гарын їсэг зурах,дохио єгєх,зангах,гарчиг,томъёолсон/тэм,
account -баримт,данс,данс тооцоо,тайлан,илтгэл їнэлгээ,дїгнэлт,ашиг єгєєж
established- тогтсон,нутагшсан,албан ёсны
overwhelming- зонхилох,тоо тоомшгїй,олон,давшгїй,туулшгїй,ихэнх,олонхи,эрс,шийдвэртэй.
Increasingly- улам бїр,улам,
properly -сайтар,ёсоор нь,зєв
configured- цуглуулах,угсрах,эвлїїлэх
defining- тайлбарлах,тайлах
perform -хийх їйлдэх,явуулах,гїйцэтгэх,тоглох,гїйцэтгэх,биелїїлэх,хийх,тоглох,толилуулах
distributed- тараах,xуваарилах,зориулах,хуваарилах
referenced- тайлбар,үзїїлт
Version -хувилбар
various -ялгаатай,олон тєрлийн,олон талын
initiative- санаачлага
to simplify- хялбар болгох,амархан болгох,хялбарчлах,амар болгох
hierarchy -шатлан захирах ёс
global- тал бїрийн,дэлхий дахины
downward- доош,буурсан,доошилсон
department хэлтэс,тасаг,яам,хэлтэс,тасаг,тэнхим,салбар яам,газар,
division- хуваах,зєрчилдєєн,хуваарилалт,хил хязгаар,салбар,тасаг,хэлтэс,анги,бїлэг,зааг,
preference- илїї дуртай зїйл,давуу эрх,гаалийн хєнгєлєлттэй татвар,эрхэмлэх,шилэх,дээдлэх,гаалийн хєнгєл/тэй татвар
for being -амьд юм хїн,хїн амьтан,ахуй амьдрал,бодь
distinguished- шалгарсан,алдартай,цуутай
separate -бие даасан,тєрєл бїрийн,тусгаарлах,салах,хагацах
components- найрлага хэсэг
attribute -чанар,шинж тэмдэг
appear -санагдах,їзэгдэх,харагдах,гарч ирэх,хэвлэлд нийтлэгдэх їг хэлэх,дїрд тоглох :
Graw-Hill- єндєрлєг газар,толгой,,овоо,овоолох
enlarged -нэмэлт,єсєлт,єсєх,нэмэгдэх,нэмэх,олшрох
preferred -дэвшїїлэх,ахиулах їлдэгсэд,бусад,їлдсэн нь,амар амгалан байдал,хєдєлгєєнгїй байдал,завсарлага,тавиур
to public -олон нийт,ил тод
configured- цуглуулах,угсрах,эвлїїлэх,жагсаалах,хуралдах,чуулах,босгох,цугларах
one at corporate -нэгдлийн,
headquarters- штаб,тєв газар,удирдах тєв
Accessible -хїрч болмоор,хялбар,хялбар дєхєм
reside -суух,орших,байх,амьдрах,оршин суух
capability- чадвар,чадал,авъяас чадвар,боломж
implemented- явуулах,гїйцэтгэх,тоглох,гїйцэтгэх
electronic -электроны,цахим,электрон
associate -холбогдох,явалцах нєхєр,тїнш,холбоотон сурвалжлагч,гишїїн нэгдсэн,зузаан холбоотой,нэгдэх,хамтран зїтгэгч,сурвалжлагч гишїїн
permissions- тїгээлт,хуваалт,ноогдол хуваарилалт,тарааж єгєх,тархац,байрлал
certain -зайлшгїй,гарцаагїй,лавтай,заавал,зарим
an authentication- баталгаа,нотолгоо
province -муж,харъяа,тойрог,хошуу,хєдєє нутаг,орон нутаг,їйл ажиллагааны хїрээ
finding -олсон юм,олз,нээлт,чиг баримжаа
gain -яарах,тїрїїлэх,олох,хонжоо
arranged- тодорхой,оновчтой
hierarchy -шатлан захирах ёс
department- салбар,яам,газар
domain -эзэмшил газар,їйл ажиллагааны салбар
components -найрлага хэсэг
further -тэгээд,улам цааш,цааш,алс холын,їїнээс гадна,туслах,цаашдын,цаашид,хойшид,нэмэлт
enlarged- бїдїїрэх,ихтгэх,єсгєх,нэмэгдїїлэх
headquarters- штаб,тєв газар,удирдах тєв
Accessible -хялбар,хялбар дєхєм
Implemented- биелїїлэх,гїйцэтгэх,цаазлах,яллах
on customer -худалдан авагч,захиалагч,їйлчлїїлэгч,этгээд
associate -холбоотой,нэгдэх
variety -олон зїйл,элдэв зїйл
permissions- зєвшєєрєх,хийлгэх,боломж олгох,нэвтрэх бичиг
authentication- баталгаа,нотолгоо
identify -ялгах,адилтгах,холбох,таних,тогтоох,нэгдэх
province- муж,харъяа,тойрог,хошуу,хєдєє нутаг,орон нутаг,їйл ажиллагааны хїрээ
a presence- ємнє дэргэд,оролцох,байх,байлцах,бэлэн байх,биер оролцох,гадаад байдал,тєрх
awareness- ухаан,ухамсар,ухамсарлах
elaborate- нарийн нягт,сайтар боловсруулсан,нарийн/уран хийцтэй,нарийн тєвєгтэй,нарийвчлан боловсруулах
assured -найдвартай,сайтар хамгаалсан,хангах
available- бэлэн,бэлнээр байгаа,хїчинтэй,ашигтай,тустай
trusted -итгэлтэй,баттай,итгэл хїлээсэн
colleagues хамт ажиллах
Besides -нєгєєтэйгїїр,-ээс гадна гадна,їл барам
the ability- авьяас чадвар,эрх мэдэл,тєлбєрийн чадвар
moderator -тохируулагч,арбитр,зуучлагч,шалгагч,хурал удирдагч
restricted- хорих,дарах албадсан,шахсан
approved -засварлагдсан,сайшаагдсан,
button -товч,кнопка,товчлуур
raise -дээшлїїлэх,ургуулах,єдєєх,сэрээх,тушаал ахиулах,дэвшїїлэх,нэмэх
recognized- зєвшєєрєх,мэдэх,хїлээн зєвшєєрєх,сайшаах.
Sessions -хурал,хуралдаан
browsed -хїрэх,шїргэх,холгох,їрэх
replayed-дахин уламжлах,дамжуулах нэвтрїїлэх,тїгээх,тараах
rewind -урвуулах,цуцлах,эсрэг/урвуу юм,ар тал,эсрэг тал
public -олон нийт,ил тод
addition to- нэмэлт єсєлт,нэмэх їйлдэл,хольц
variety -олон зїйл,элдэв зїйл/ олон,зїйл бїрийн
among -дунд,дотор,хооронд
announcements -тунхаглал,тунхаг,зарлал,мэдэгдэл
consumption -хэрэглээ,зарцуулалт.
Inappropriate -таарахгїй,зохисгїй,тохирохгїй
filtered -хиймэл,албадмал
sessions- давталт,мєчлєг
Participants оролцогч
Competitive-сонгон шалгаруулах,єрсєлдєж буй,єрсєлдєгч,
Impractical-гїйцэтгэж болшгїй,хэрэггїй,хэрэгцээгээ алдсан
Authenticate-батлах,баталгаа єгєх
Requests-гуйлт,єргєдєл,гуйх айлтгал,мєргєл,єргєдєл гаргах
Turnaround- хувирах,болох,єєрчлєлт,хувирал,солигдол
Advantage-тус,давуу тал,давамгай байдал,давуу чанар
Partners-холбогдох,явалцах нєхєр,тїнш,холбоотон сурвалжлагч,гишїїн нэгдсэн
Arrangements-зохион байгуулалт,байгууллага
Required-хэрэгтэй болох,хэрэг болох,шаардагдах,албадах,шахах.
Appropriate-зїйтэй,зохистой,тєсєвлєн олгох,хувьдаа завших,зардал тєсєвлєх
Fields-эзэмшил,эзэмшил газар,їйл ажиллагааны салбар
Worst-хамгийн муу,бусдаас
Attachments-ижил тєстэй байх,шинж чанар.
Proprietary-ємчлєх эрх,ємчmєний
Developed- дэвшилттэй,ахицтай гїйцсэн,боловсорсон
Auspices-урамшил,шагнал,тус дэм
Vulnerable эмзэг
Attacks -довтлох,шалах
Nevertheless -гэвч,тэгэвч,
back -эргэн ирэх,буцах,харих,буцах зам,хариулт
worth -ингїїштэй
the effort-хичээл зїтгэл,оролдлого,завдлага.
Evaluation- їнэлгээ
Adherence -дагах,баримтлах,тал барих
Easy -хялбар,амар
Trivial- энгийн,ердийн,жирийн
Task-їїрэг,зорилго зорилт,бодлого
Provided-тохиолдолд. тоноглох
Encryption-conversion of data into cipher
Ineffective-хїчингїй,їр дїнгїй,їр ашиггїй
rapidly -хурдан,
Besides-нєгєєтэйгїїр-ээс гадна
Systems -ухагдахуун,ойлгомж,ойлголт,ерєнхий тєсєєлєл
useful only for-дотоод хөрилцаа
neither -аль нь ч бищ
expensive- хямдхан,хямд тєсєр
Valueadded- үнэ нэмэгдссэн
provided- бал
devised to permit -зєвшєєрєх,хийлгэх,боломж олгох,нэвтрэх бичиг, тэмдэг бичиг,зєвшєєрєл
IP to interact -харилцан ажиллах
proprietary -ємчлєх эрх
borders-зах дагуу
Before the Department of Defense -батлан хамгаалахын яам
private -цэрэг,жагсаалын нууц,хувийн,амины,
operation- їйлдэл,удирдлага,ашиглалт,боловсруулалт
method- арга,арга барил
of interconnecting -холбогдох
otherwise -їгїй бол, єєрєєр
incompatible -їл нийцсэн,нийцэхгїй
features -онцгой шинжтэй байх
versions -магадлал,хувилбар
support -дэмжих,туслах
attach -холбох
more effort -оролдлого,завдлага,ололт,амжилт
practically -бараг,практик
remember -санах,цээжлэх,,
willing -бэлэн,сайн дурын,хичээнгїй
put up with -зєвшєєрєх, тэвчих
advertising -зарлагдсан,сурталчлагдсан
inherently -аль чухал нь,гол нь
asynchronous -нэг зэрэг бищ
server -толгой машин
recipient -хїлээн авагч
resides -суух,орших,байх,амьдрах,
receive -хїлээн авах
organization -зохион байгуулалт,байгууллага,бїтэц
and distribute -тїгээх,хувааж єгєх,тараах,хуваарилах,жигд тїрхэх,дэлгэрїїлэх,байрлуулах
To Both -хоёул,хоёулаа,аль аль нь
some -зарим,хэдэн,жаахан,бараг,орчим
simultaneous -зэрэг,хамт,нэг дор
unified -холбох,нийлїїлэх
enable -бололцоотой болгох,
choose -сонгох,шилэх,эрхэмлэх,дээр гэж їзэх
retrieve -буцаах,сэргээх
record -мэдээ баримт, бичлэг,тайлан мэдээ
advantage -давуу тал,давамгай байдал,давуу чанар,онцгой эрх
boundaries -хил хязгаар,хил,хязгаар,зааг.
Individuals -тус тусын,хувийн,хїн,хувь хїн,бодгаль,нэг хїн,нэг амьтан,хувийн,онцгой,тусдаа,салангид,ангид
Instant -агшин зуур,даруй,агшин,хором,яаралтай
province -муж,харъяа,тойрог,хошуу,хєдєє нутаг,орон нутаг,їйл ажиллагааны хїрээ
pop up -їзэгдэх, ил гарах
chapter -номын бїлэг,сэдэв
discusses -зєвлєх,хэлэлцэх,шїїмжлэн хэлэлцэх,зєвшилцєх
issues -дугаар,хэрэг
implementing -багаж хэрэгсэл,багаж,хєдєлмєрийн зэвсэг,хийх,гїйцэтгэх
interchange -багаж хэрэгсэл,багаж,хєдєлмєрийн зэвсэг,хийх,гїйцэтгэх шилжїїлэх,нїїлгэх
OVERVIEW -товч агуулга
strictly -чанга,хатуу,ширїїн,хїнд,хэцїї,бэрх,ноцтой,айхавтар
accurate -яг,нарийн,нягт,нямбай,зєв,яг
inventory -бїртгэл данс,эд хогшил,эд хогшил данслах
transported -зєєх,тээвэрлэх,дамжуулах
Some form -тєрєл,зїйл,дїрэм,журам
runs -хэрэгцээ,хэрэглэх зєвшєєрєл,бїлэг
client -тїнш,худалдан авагч,їйлчлїїлэгч,захиалагч
generic -ерєнхий
private -нууц,хувийн,амины,далд
system to create -тїнш,худалдан авагч,їйлчлїїлэгч,захиалагч//бїтээгдэхїїн,найруулах,їр дїн,їзїїлэх,їйлдвэрлэх,гаргах бїтээх,байгуулах,туурвих,байгуулах
without -їгїй,-гїй,гадна,гадаа,гаднаас нь
cost -єртєг,їнэтэй байх,їнэлэх.
client -тїнш,худалдан авагч,їйлчлїїлэгч,захиалагч
identifies -ялгах,адилтгах,холбох,таних,тогтоох,нэгдэх
structure -байгууламж,бїтэц,байгуулалт,барилга
attaching -холбох,бэхлэх
recognizes -таних,мэдрэх,зєвшєєрєх,мэдэх,хїлээн зєвшєєрєх,сайшаах
an authorized -тєлєєлїїлэх,тєлєєлєгч болгох,зєвшєєрєх,бїрэн эрх олгох
identifies -ялгах,адилтгах,холбох,таних,тогтоох,нэгдэх
the client -тїнш,худалдан авагч,їйлчлїїлэгч,захиалагч
permission -зєвшєєрєл
resides -суух,орших,байх,амьдрах,оршин суух
local -дотоод
requested -гуйлга,гуйлт,хїсэлт,эрэлт хэрэгцээ,гуйх,хїсэх,хїсэлт тавих,санал болгох
contains-тэжээх,тэтгэх,холих,агуулах,багтаах,барих,тэвчих, їлдэгдэлгїй,хуваагдах
running -хєдєлгєєн,їйлдэл,алгуур,ажиллагаа
organizations -зохион байгуулалт,байгууллага,бїтэц
complexity- ярвигтай,тєвєгтэй
inbound -гадаадаас ирж буй онгоц-р
retain хадгалах,байлгах,їлдээх,урих,хєлслєх,санах
although -ядаж,боловч
Retrieving- буцаах,сэргээх,агнасан шувууг олж авчрах,буцааж авах,засах,сэлбэх,хуучин хэвд нь оруулах
Incompatible- їл нийцсэн,нийцэхгїй,таарахгїй
Protocol -аар (дайрах,дамжих),-аар
accepted -нийтээр зєвшєєрсєн
implement- багаж хэрэгсэл,багаж,хєдєлмєрийн зэвсэг,хийх,гїйцэтгэх,багаж хэрэгслээр хангах,явуулах,инструмент
proprietary- ємчлєх эрх,ємчтєний анги,хєрєнгє эзэмшлийн
simplicity-энгийн байдал,цайлган сэтгэл,амархан хялбар,цагаан сэтгэл
administer- захирах,удирдах,ажил хэрэг хєтлєх,
proprietary- ємчлєх эрх,ємчтєний анги,хєрєнгє эзэмшлийн
architectur-e уран барилга,барилгын урлаг
impractical- гїйцэтгэж болшгїй,хэрэггїй,хэрэгцээгээ алдсан
overhead -нэмэлт зардал,дээд,толгой дээрх,толгой дээгїїр,нэмэлт,дээр,дээд давхарт
independent- тусгаар тотносон,бие даасан,тусгаар,хараат бус
Domain -эзэмшил,эзэмшил газар,їйл ажиллагааны салбар,
connect нэгдэх,залгах,холбох,залгасан,холбоотой
customers- худалдан авагч,захиалагч,їйлчлїїлэгч
agreement-зєвшєєрєл,гэрээ,хэлэлцээр,тохиролцоо, зохицол,зохицох ёс
prevalent- ихэнхи,олонхи,давуу,зонхилсон,єргєн дэлгэрсэн
multilevel - олон дахин,хуваагдах,нийлмэл
referring -холбогдох,єгїїлэх,холбоо тогтоох
organizational- заавал биш,туслах чанарын,сайн дурын,албан журмын бус
inferior -дор,дордос,доод тушаалтан,бага цолтон,захирагдагч,муу чанарын,доод
unlikely -маяггїй,янзгїй,їнэмшилгїй
enough- гїйцэх,хїрэлцээтэй,хангалттай
Aliases -нууц нэр
Assistance- тусламж,тэтгэмж,дэмжлэг
example -жишээ,їлгэр дууриал,жишээ,їлгэр дууриалал
including- хамт оруулж,оролцуулан багтаан,тїїний дотор,їїнд
Represent- їзїїлэх,зааварлах,орлох,тєлєєлєх,тєсєєлєн бодох,дїрслэн їзїїлэх
Communicate- мэдээлэх,дамжуулах,хэл хїргэх
assistance -тусламж,тэтгэмж,дэмжлэг
obtain -олох,авах,олж авах,хїрэх
central -тєвийн,гол,їндсэн,тэргїїлэх
intracompany -дотор,хэмжээний дотор
compliant -саймсрагч,зусарч,зулгуй,уян зєєлєн,їгэнд оромтгой
retrieval -буцаах,сэргээх,засах
Security -аюулгїй байдал,баталгаа,хамгаалал,батлан даалт,итгэл,стратеги,байлдааны бодлого including хамт оруулж,оролцуулан багтаан,тїїний дотор,їїнд
user authentication -шалгалт,биелэл
mission -тєлєєлєгчид,элчний газар,їїрэг,даалгавар,томилолт
critical- шїїмжлэлтэй,аюултай,осолтой,бэрх,шїїмжилсэн, єєлсєн,шїїмжлэлийн,шийдвэрлэх
contend with - тэмцэх,уралдах,тэмцэлдэх,маргах
grows -єсєх,ургах,нэмэгдэх,тарих
ical -хэвийн,ердийн,жирийн,хэвшмэл,нийтлэг
miscreants- луйварчин,алиа амьтан,зальт этгээд
regularly -тогтмол
propagate- їржїїлэх,тараах,нэвтрїїлэх,їржих,олшрох,тїгээх,дэлгэрїїлэх,дамжуулах
viruses -хорлох,сїйтгэх,гэмтээх
detrimental- алдагдалтай,хохиролтой,ашиггїй
pretending -їйлдэх,явуулах,гїйцэтгэх,тоглох,гїйцэтгэх,биелїїлэх,хийх,тоглох,толилуулах
fake -мэхлэх,залилах,дууриалган хийх,баашлах,дїр їзїїлэх
prompt- тїргэн,хурдан,саадгїй,шаламгай,хойшлуулашгїй ,хатгах,єдєєх,ятгах,сануулах,нууцаа хэлж єгєх
Unwanted- хїсээгїй,хїсмээргїй,илїї,хэрэггїй
popularly -бїх ардын,хамаг ардын,бїх нийтэд,бїх нийтээр
permeates- нэвтрэх,туулах,норох,орох,сїлбэх,нэвт хатгах
clogging -block, plug up; interfere
wasting -эвдэх,нураах,нураах,буулгах,няцаах,бут ниргэх
useless -хэрэггїй,ашиггїй
classifying тавих,єрєх,жагсаах,эмхлэх,цэгцлэх,тохиролцох,зохицуулах ,эвийг олох,бэлтгэх,арга хэмжээ авах
noxious- хортой
prioritizing- ахлах,тэргїїлэх,
rules-based - албан ёсны
filter -шїїх,тунгаах,нэвтрэх,шїїрэх
otherwise- їгїй бол,єєрєєр,єєр аргаар,эсвэл,эсрэг тохиолдолд
inundate -їерлэх,ус авах,ус дїїргэх
Unfortunately харамсалтай нь
Filtered- хиймэл,албадмал,шїїсэн,тунгаасан
Process- явдал,процесс,арга,технологийн їйл явц,урсгал,хєдєлгєєн,дуудлага
Temporarily- хальт,тїргэн
quarantine -карантин,хорио,тусгаарлал,хєл хорих
leaving -їлдэл,їлдэгдэл,бусад юм,бусад нь
decide -тогтох шийдэх,шийдвэрлэх
discard- хаях,гээх,халах,солих,болих,татгалзах
processing -хандах,їзэх,хэлэлцэх,шїїмжлэх,дайлах
spreadsheets -бїртгэл тооцоо
enabled -зєвшєєрєх,болох єгєх,олгох,хїлээн зєвшєєрєх .
aware -эрх мэдэл,хяналт,шалгалт,тохируулга
enabled- явах,авах,цэвэрлэх,янзлах,засах,хувирах
transfer -зєєвєр,зєєх,шилжїїлэх,дамжуулах,дамжих
through -турш
everything- бїгд
plus -нэмэгдэл тоо,нэмэлт,эерэг,нэмэх(цэнэг),нэмэх,нэмэх /цэнэг
authenticate -батлах,баталгаа єгєх
comparative -харьцангуй,харьцуулсан,харьцуулах зэрэг
statistics -тоо бїртгэл,статистик
available- эргэн тойрон,дэргэд,хажууд,тойроод áèø
quantity -хэмжээ,их хэмжээний,тоо хэмжээ,хэмжигдэхїїн
far -хол,алсын,холын,
exceed- хэтрэх,хэтрїїлэх,давуу байх,илїї байх
unsophisticated- мэдэлгїй,юм їзээгїй,хялбар,бїдїїлэг
transfer- зєєвєр,зєєх,шилжїїлэх,дамжуулах,дамжих
describing -дїрслэх,зурах
binary -хоёр,давхар хос
contrast -їзэх,эрс ялгаатай
retrieve- буцаах
practice- чадвар,мэргэжлийн ажил
organizations- эмхлэх,цэгцлэх,бэлтгэл,зохион байгуулалт,заавар,шийдвэр,хэлэлцээр
maintaining -тэжээх,хїчлэх,батлах,дэмжих,дэмжлэг їзїїлэх,тэтгэх,эсэргїїцэх
required -хэрэгцээ,шаардах,хїсэх
obsolete -хуучирсан,хэрэгцээнээс гарсан
necessary- чухал шаардлагатай
structure -байгууламж,бїтэц,байгуулалт,барилга
Regardless- бодолгїй,хайхралгїй
instant - агшин,хором,яаралтай
interacting -харилцан їйлдэх,харилцан ажиллах
employee- ажилчин
manufacturer- їйлдвэрлэгч,їйлдвэрийн газрын эзэн
separate -бие даасан,тєрєл бїрийн,тусгаарлах,салах,хагацах,салгах
separately- тусдаа,салангид
is equipped- бэлтгэх,хангах
, authentication- баталгаа,нотолгоо
authorization -зєвшєєрєл,бїрэн эрх олгохуй
badge -дохио,тэмдэг,шинж тэмдэг,бэлэгдэл,томъёолсон тэмдэг,гарын їсэг зурах,дохио єгєх,зангах,гарчиг,томъёолсон/тэм,
account -баримт,данс,данс тооцоо,тайлан,илтгэл їнэлгээ,дїгнэлт,ашиг єгєєж
established- тогтсон,нутагшсан,албан ёсны
overwhelming- зонхилох,тоо тоомшгїй,олон,давшгїй,туулшгїй,ихэнх,олонхи,эрс,шийдвэртэй.
Increasingly- улам бїр,улам,
properly -сайтар,ёсоор нь,зєв
configured- цуглуулах,угсрах,эвлїїлэх
defining- тайлбарлах,тайлах
perform -хийх їйлдэх,явуулах,гїйцэтгэх,тоглох,гїйцэтгэх,биелїїлэх,хийх,тоглох,толилуулах
distributed- тараах,xуваарилах,зориулах,хуваарилах
referenced- тайлбар,үзїїлт
Version -хувилбар
various -ялгаатай,олон тєрлийн,олон талын
initiative- санаачлага
to simplify- хялбар болгох,амархан болгох,хялбарчлах,амар болгох
hierarchy -шатлан захирах ёс
global- тал бїрийн,дэлхий дахины
downward- доош,буурсан,доошилсон
department хэлтэс,тасаг,яам,хэлтэс,тасаг,тэнхим,салбар яам,газар,
division- хуваах,зєрчилдєєн,хуваарилалт,хил хязгаар,салбар,тасаг,хэлтэс,анги,бїлэг,зааг,
preference- илїї дуртай зїйл,давуу эрх,гаалийн хєнгєлєлттэй татвар,эрхэмлэх,шилэх,дээдлэх,гаалийн хєнгєл/тэй татвар
for being -амьд юм хїн,хїн амьтан,ахуй амьдрал,бодь
distinguished- шалгарсан,алдартай,цуутай
separate -бие даасан,тєрєл бїрийн,тусгаарлах,салах,хагацах
components- найрлага хэсэг
attribute -чанар,шинж тэмдэг
appear -санагдах,їзэгдэх,харагдах,гарч ирэх,хэвлэлд нийтлэгдэх їг хэлэх,дїрд тоглох :
Graw-Hill- єндєрлєг газар,толгой,,овоо,овоолох
enlarged -нэмэлт,єсєлт,єсєх,нэмэгдэх,нэмэх,олшрох
preferred -дэвшїїлэх,ахиулах їлдэгсэд,бусад,їлдсэн нь,амар амгалан байдал,хєдєлгєєнгїй байдал,завсарлага,тавиур
to public -олон нийт,ил тод
configured- цуглуулах,угсрах,эвлїїлэх,жагсаалах,хуралдах,чуулах,босгох,цугларах
one at corporate -нэгдлийн,
headquarters- штаб,тєв газар,удирдах тєв
Accessible -хїрч болмоор,хялбар,хялбар дєхєм
reside -суух,орших,байх,амьдрах,оршин суух
capability- чадвар,чадал,авъяас чадвар,боломж
implemented- явуулах,гїйцэтгэх,тоглох,гїйцэтгэх
electronic -электроны,цахим,электрон
associate -холбогдох,явалцах нєхєр,тїнш,холбоотон сурвалжлагч,гишїїн нэгдсэн,зузаан холбоотой,нэгдэх,хамтран зїтгэгч,сурвалжлагч гишїїн
permissions- тїгээлт,хуваалт,ноогдол хуваарилалт,тарааж єгєх,тархац,байрлал
certain -зайлшгїй,гарцаагїй,лавтай,заавал,зарим
an authentication- баталгаа,нотолгоо
province -муж,харъяа,тойрог,хошуу,хєдєє нутаг,орон нутаг,їйл ажиллагааны хїрээ
finding -олсон юм,олз,нээлт,чиг баримжаа
gain -яарах,тїрїїлэх,олох,хонжоо
arranged- тодорхой,оновчтой
hierarchy -шатлан захирах ёс
department- салбар,яам,газар
domain -эзэмшил газар,їйл ажиллагааны салбар
components -найрлага хэсэг
further -тэгээд,улам цааш,цааш,алс холын,їїнээс гадна,туслах,цаашдын,цаашид,хойшид,нэмэлт
enlarged- бїдїїрэх,ихтгэх,єсгєх,нэмэгдїїлэх
headquarters- штаб,тєв газар,удирдах тєв
Accessible -хялбар,хялбар дєхєм
Implemented- биелїїлэх,гїйцэтгэх,цаазлах,яллах
on customer -худалдан авагч,захиалагч,їйлчлїїлэгч,этгээд
associate -холбоотой,нэгдэх
variety -олон зїйл,элдэв зїйл
permissions- зєвшєєрєх,хийлгэх,боломж олгох,нэвтрэх бичиг
authentication- баталгаа,нотолгоо
identify -ялгах,адилтгах,холбох,таних,тогтоох,нэгдэх
province- муж,харъяа,тойрог,хошуу,хєдєє нутаг,орон нутаг,їйл ажиллагааны хїрээ
a presence- ємнє дэргэд,оролцох,байх,байлцах,бэлэн байх,биер оролцох,гадаад байдал,тєрх
awareness- ухаан,ухамсар,ухамсарлах
elaborate- нарийн нягт,сайтар боловсруулсан,нарийн/уран хийцтэй,нарийн тєвєгтэй,нарийвчлан боловсруулах
assured -найдвартай,сайтар хамгаалсан,хангах
available- бэлэн,бэлнээр байгаа,хїчинтэй,ашигтай,тустай
trusted -итгэлтэй,баттай,итгэл хїлээсэн
colleagues хамт ажиллах
Besides -нєгєєтэйгїїр,-ээс гадна гадна,їл барам
the ability- авьяас чадвар,эрх мэдэл,тєлбєрийн чадвар
moderator -тохируулагч,арбитр,зуучлагч,шалгагч,хурал удирдагч
restricted- хорих,дарах албадсан,шахсан
approved -засварлагдсан,сайшаагдсан,
button -товч,кнопка,товчлуур
raise -дээшлїїлэх,ургуулах,єдєєх,сэрээх,тушаал ахиулах,дэвшїїлэх,нэмэх
recognized- зєвшєєрєх,мэдэх,хїлээн зєвшєєрєх,сайшаах.
Sessions -хурал,хуралдаан
browsed -хїрэх,шїргэх,холгох,їрэх
replayed-дахин уламжлах,дамжуулах нэвтрїїлэх,тїгээх,тараах
rewind -урвуулах,цуцлах,эсрэг/урвуу юм,ар тал,эсрэг тал
public -олон нийт,ил тод
addition to- нэмэлт єсєлт,нэмэх їйлдэл,хольц
variety -олон зїйл,элдэв зїйл/ олон,зїйл бїрийн
among -дунд,дотор,хооронд
announcements -тунхаглал,тунхаг,зарлал,мэдэгдэл
consumption -хэрэглээ,зарцуулалт.
Inappropriate -таарахгїй,зохисгїй,тохирохгїй
filtered -хиймэл,албадмал
sessions- давталт,мєчлєг
Participants оролцогч
Competitive-сонгон шалгаруулах,єрсєлдєж буй,єрсєлдєгч,
Impractical-гїйцэтгэж болшгїй,хэрэггїй,хэрэгцээгээ алдсан
Authenticate-батлах,баталгаа єгєх
Requests-гуйлт,єргєдєл,гуйх айлтгал,мєргєл,єргєдєл гаргах
Turnaround- хувирах,болох,єєрчлєлт,хувирал,солигдол
Advantage-тус,давуу тал,давамгай байдал,давуу чанар
Partners-холбогдох,явалцах нєхєр,тїнш,холбоотон сурвалжлагч,гишїїн нэгдсэн
Arrangements-зохион байгуулалт,байгууллага
Required-хэрэгтэй болох,хэрэг болох,шаардагдах,албадах,шахах.
Appropriate-зїйтэй,зохистой,тєсєвлєн олгох,хувьдаа завших,зардал тєсєвлєх
Fields-эзэмшил,эзэмшил газар,їйл ажиллагааны салбар
Worst-хамгийн муу,бусдаас
Attachments-ижил тєстэй байх,шинж чанар.
Proprietary-ємчлєх эрх,ємчmєний
Developed- дэвшилттэй,ахицтай гїйцсэн,боловсорсон
Auspices-урамшил,шагнал,тус дэм
Vulnerable эмзэг
Attacks -довтлох,шалах
Nevertheless -гэвч,тэгэвч,
back -эргэн ирэх,буцах,харих,буцах зам,хариулт
worth -ингїїштэй
the effort-хичээл зїтгэл,оролдлого,завдлага.
Evaluation- їнэлгээ
Adherence -дагах,баримтлах,тал барих
Easy -хялбар,амар
Trivial- энгийн,ердийн,жирийн
Task-їїрэг,зорилго зорилт,бодлого
Provided-тохиолдолд. тоноглох
Encryption-conversion of data into cipher
Ineffective-хїчингїй,їр дїнгїй,їр ашиггїй
rapidly -хурдан,
Besides-нєгєєтэйгїїр-ээс гадна
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